Sunday, 19 January 2025

What a day!

 Even pancakes couldn't have tempted me yesterday, I felt that ill. It wasn't my cough even though I was still coughing and now had the symptoms of a cold, runny nose etc.

I felt there was something wrong with my catheter, the discomfort had become pain.. I phoned the District Nurse out of hours number and it was a real person who answered! She said some one would phone me back. It wasn't long to wait when a nurse phoned me. She listened to my weepy words and suggested I might have an infection and to phone 111 the NHS out of hours help line to speak to a Dr. I was informed there was a 15min wait!! And there was..eventually after being asked questions to rule out heart attacks or a stroke I was informed a Dr would phone me shortly.
Arg!! I waited and waited and was getting more and more distressed. When the Dr phoned, English wasn't his first language. I went through all the questions again that 111 had asked.. plus what I thought were stupid questions to ask someone with a catheter in place, eg, did it burn when I weed, was there frequency??? By this time 3 hours had past since my first phone call and I was losing the will to live!
He did say he thought it could be an infection and would arrange for a prescription for me at our local pharmacy, I had to stop him because it closed at 12 on a Saturday!

Dh went to Boots in town, after 2:00 pm because the pharmacist has a lunch break and they can't give out meds when he is not there. 
I didn't start to feel ok till nearly 6 and was worn out.. the antibiotics started to work right away. But I'd had a horrible day. But you should be pleased to know I can swallow, I knew it was Saturday and the month is January! 
But my faith in the NHS has been restored, because altho I was off and on the phone all morning,  I did get the treatment I needed.. Then just after 6 the District Nurse arrived to check how I was! They work all over weekends, night and day and will visit patients when ever needed. Wow, it was a relief to see her, I have learned over these months of having a catheter, they know what to do and have  'Mary Poppins' bags where they produce things you need and made me feel safe!
A Nurse is coming Tuesday to change the catheter which is needed it seems if you have antibiotics. I 'm going to ask can I have one with a flip switch so I can regulate the flow and start to train my bladder to work again! Frightens me a bit to be honest, but I have to try.



Sooze said...

I cannot imagine what it must be like to have a catheter, the very thought scares the life out of me. Thank goodness for your district nurse!

jabblog said...

I'm glad you finally got the help you needed and hope you continue to improve.

Winters End Rambler said...

Poor you…glad you feel on the ment now. It can be ver frustrating having to speak to so many people and get passed from pillar to post in order to get some help…but at least you were able to get help albeit eventually.

Tracy said...

District nurses are wonderful beings!

Lynn and Precious said...

Thank goodness you got the antibiotics and they started working and you ended with the nurse too. Hope the switch works when you go to it.

Mari said...

I'm sorry! It sure does sound like you have an infection though. Glad those meds are helping.

Joy said...

Poor you, that sounds really horrible. Hopefully the improvement will continue. xx

Lowcarb team member said...

I am just so pleased that eventually the help you needed was given.
Sending good wishes as you hopefully improve.

All the best Jan

Misadventures of Widowhood said...

So glad you are getting treatment that seems to be working. Thank you for documenting the process and ups and downs with the issue.

Marie Smith said...

While it took some time, it was good that you did get the help you needed. Best wishes for this week.

Back2OurSmallCorner said...

I'm glad things were a little better by the end of the day and I hope the antibiotics do their job and make you more comfortable.

Granny Sue said...

Sounds awful. Thank goodness you got the meds and they worked so quickly!

Liz Hinds said...

Oh bless you. That sounds like a nightmare. Thank heavens for district nurses.

Bless said...

I'm glad you received the care you needed and someone actually came to your house to tend to you. We don't have that over here.