Saturday, 4 January 2025

All of these???

 10 Things you'll never regret doing.

1. Investing in yourself

2.Taking 10 deep breaths.

3.Going to bed an hour earlier.

4.Walking 10,000 steps each day.

5.Spending more time in nature.

6.Telling someone you love them.

7. Choosing foods that nourish them.

8.Working hard on something you love.

9. Writing something you're grateful for.

10. Smile at strangers.

I'd have to change number 4 to Walking a bit further each day, but all the others seem feasible.. altho perhaps number 7 should be Foods that nourish you and in reasonable amounts!

In all my physio appointments taking a deep breath was always suggested. especially if you have to do something physically difficult for you. He used to say.. 'fill yourself with extra oxygen.'

When I go to bed earlier its to read a book and for some reason only my body clock knows why,  my eyes start to close at 23:23! I kid you not, every night the same thing happens!

I do tell my Dh everyday that I love him..other people too, sometimes.

So all 9 suggestions, may be, we'll see.



KirstenM said...

If it's any comfort, 10,000 steps a day has been amended to 7,000 in many places... so only another 5,000 a day for me to aim for! (So NOT going to happen!!!)

Lynn and Precious said...

When it's not bicycle weather then I walk. But I've never walked 10,000 steps a day. At least not to my knowledge. Right now the weather has turned so viciously bad that it doesn't look like I'll be walking outside for the whole month of january. What I do for exercise then is pay something down the basement stairs a dozen times. Not really exercised is it.

jabblog said...

Al excellent suggestions and a good plan by which to live life!

jabblog said...


Sooze said...

I'd certainly struggle to do 10,000 steps a day.....maybe 2 or 3 days!! The others are probably doable though. Oh, and where's No. 10?

Polly said...

What a great list, I do all of those things but not all the time! except bedtime, I like to be in bed by 10 and read for an hour or until my eyes start to close. I don't do 10,000 steps very often.

Lowcarb team member said...

Many thanks for sharing these.

All the best Jan

Granny Sue said...

Harvard Health tracked down the origin of the 10,000 steps idea. Apparently it came from some Japanese advertising campaign for a pedometer! So not really a scientific basis for that number at all!

Joy said...

I love that list, thank you. xx