My heart was weeping when I read this yesterday.. a beautiful cockerpoo dog had been ill for a while, so her owners had to make the awful decision to let her go.
I knew how they were feeling, we were at the place 18 months ago.. but we like them couldn't bear to see our dog suffer. They'd arranged to have the vet to their house and before she started the procedure they asked her to wait.
They wanted to let their dog have some Chocolate Buttons so she'd know what all the fuss about chocolate was, and she enjoyed everyone!
Such love, fly little one over Rainbow Ridge.. unless you've had a dog you can not know the awful hole they leave in your heart.
I remember doing something similar with one of our dogs when the awful day dawned
What a wonderful sweet thing to do for that puppy when it had to pass over the rainbow. A tasty treat to know its owners absolutely loved it. I crocheted a blanket and wrapped each one of our cats in one of them as the years went by before we buried them. The breaks 💔 our hearts when they leave us behind. But then we always have our memories. No one can take that away from you.
I did this with our two cats, I gave them cream and cheese. I miss them everyday
My heart goes out to anyone who has had to say goodbye to a loved pet. A great idea to give little treats like the choc buttons when it's possible. When my old chap Archie the yorkie was on his last day he was able to have his favourite vanilla ice cream x
Alison in Wales x
Aww - those little furry friends do become part of the family.
So heart to have to make that decision....
Aww - pets do become part of the family.
All the best Jan
Thank you for sharing this heartbreaking but beautiful story. I hope the family have lots of treasured memories of their dog.
They become a family member and it is so hard when they go. Sending you hugs.
It is one of the hardest things we go through, when our pets pass on.
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