Sunday, 12 January 2025

New Laptop difficulties

 I've had to  buy a new laptop  and while it works perfectly well, it has given me a lot of stress! At one point I wanted to send it back. I know all these passwords and 'one time passwords' are to keep us safe from fraud and thieves, but really how many do we need. I thought I had them all written down and I do/did, but it seems I've changed them over time, more or less all of them!! And then forgotten them and with no cookies, this new laptop doesn't know the different sites I've visited. So its been a trial of nerves and stress.

 I've screamed and had tears because with some sites it was as though I was caught in an loop, going round and round and getting no where. How can you retrieve a site if the requirement is a OTP that is being sent to another site, which you can't get on to, because you don't have the password!!! Scream, scream, scream! Dh always keeps calm and it very tech savy, but even he was flummoxed at some. We were hours setting up different email accounts, what a faff!

He wanted to help and he did except he managed to wipe my saved Words Docs, but clever new laptop sent the whole lot to my gmail account? So I was able to restore the ones I wanted, I had saved a lot of dross over the years... anyway I'm gradually getting used to it and will be really getting back into blogging and visiting blogs, but at the moment I'm struggling. 



Joy said...

So frustrating, isn't it. Good luck and I hope it's over the worst now. xx

Meanqueen said...

I feel your pain. A friend helping me with my computer woes, advised me to delete all my cookies, to clear things out. It did, I couldn't get onto any sites after that. He came back to sort it out, and I have had to learn new ways of doing things. For the last few years I have had only one email address, and tend to stick to one password, but some of my earlier log ins were with older passwords and older email addresses. I have searched high and low through my notebooks for those. I can comment here on your blog, but a lot of others say sign into google. I have been going round and round in ever decreasing circles to find a way around it.

KirstenM said...

I hear your pain!

Sooze said...

Snap! My laptop is playing up too, think it needs a new battery as it won't hold a charge and switches off as soon as I take the cable out, grrr!

Mari said...

I'm sorry. All those passwords can be such a hassle! I now have a little book I keep them in, but I have to remember to keep it up to date!


I can completely understand the frustration you're feeling—setting up a new laptop can feel like a monumental task, especially with all the password issues, two-factor authentication loops, and transferring files! The feeling of being stuck in an endless loop is so aggravating, and it’s exhausting to keep track of changing passwords, one-time passwords, and everything else. Plus, it always feels like technology has a way of throwing in a curveball, like losing documents or getting locked out of your accounts.

It's a relief, though, that your Word Docs were saved to your Gmail account—at least that was a silver lining. It’s great that your husband was able to help, though I’m sure both of you were at your wit’s end at some point.

Granny Sue said...

I hear you! I bought a new laptop in September, didn't even open it til October. My son got it basically set up, but now I have to get all my stuff on there, and haven't even tried. It's just daunting! Microsoft quit updating the version I am on, and my laptop was too old to upload the new Windows 11,so I was forced to buy the new one. But the old one is still working, and I am still delaying the inevitable pain you are suffering, Chris.

Lowcarb team member said...

It is very frustrating ... but you'll get there!

All the best Jan

doodles n daydreams said...

I write my passwords down too. I hope it all comes right before too long :) How frustrating it must be.

Back2OurSmallCorner said...

Very frustrating setting up a new laptop with all the passwords and bits and pieces. I have my passwords written down but we also use an app called KeyPass to keep them on as well. Hope you get things sorted ,Chris.