Thursday, 9 January 2025

Disturbed night again.

 Another very bad night awake for hours, although I was comfortable and warm, I was wide awake. Its so annoying and today I'll be tired and not want to do anything, It's so hard to go walking if you feel tired, I'm wobbly at the best of times so tired as well is a recipe for disaster!

When I met my old school friend yesterday she was complaining of insomnia too and the night time loo visits. She was telling me about her ex-husband as she saw him just before Christmas. He'd not been well with a horrible cold, man flu? And had phoned her to get him some cold treatment stuff from Boots, as where he lives there isn't one. She said he did look rough, and declined going in, because she didn't want to catch it as well. He was saying how tired he was, what with this cold and having to get up at night for the toilet.. She said he was absolutely amazed when she said so did she, because he didn't know women had that too! We both laughed out loud, didn't think women had that too, we're the most getting up to the toilet at night time breed that you could have!

All my friends my age get up at least once if not more. Although I've found this catheter uncomfortable, it has meant that most nights I've slept for 7 hours! But next week I have an appointment to see the Urologist and have the catheter out. I don't know if I'll be glad or what I've got used to having a cup of tea after 7:00 pm and also not have to worry if I need the toilet when we're out. But I expect I'll cope I have done in the past, so we'll see how things go.



KirstenM said...

Hope you have an easy day today...

jabblog said...

I didn't get to sleep until 4:00 a.m. the night before last - I was reading a gripping book! - so yesterday was a bit of a wash-out, but I slept well last night. Recently, I read that people should not be too worried about broken sleep or making sure they got 7 or 8 hours, as it's normal to wake up in the night.
Your friend is very good to her ex-husband - I'm not sure I'd be as charitable!

Lynn and Precious said...

I've always had to get up at least once during the middle of the night my entire life. Too bad men spend more time complaining and having compassion. You're lucky that you're Dh is a compassionate man.

Marie Smith said...

Some men appear to be oblivious to what goes on with women. They make us painfully aware what goes on with them.

Mari said...

I hate nights like that! It doesn't happen to me often, but it's the pits. I do get up most nights to use the bathroom and I think that's the case for most women.
Your friend is pretty nice to her ex. Not everyone would do that.

Granny Sue said...

Insomnia is so frustrating. I don't drink caffeine after about 2pm because it does affect my sleep. And getting up? If I only have to get up once I am thrilled! I laughed out loud about your friend's story, Chris. What men don't know about women.
Good luck when you go to the doctor. I hope it all goes smoothly.

Lowcarb team member said...

I hope your appointment with the Urologist goes well next week.

All the best Jan

Jennifer said...

Here's to a good night's rest tonight!! And I just have to say I was surprised (had to re-read) that story was about your friend's exhusband. She is really nice and goes above and beyond. Just sayin. Hope you both sleep great tonight:)