This so joyful and uplifting I had to post it. Thank you for your commiserations re:- this new laptop, I shouldn't complain many people are not in the position to be able to buy a new one, but its so frustrating. I am still struggling and can't find an easy way to save pics, unlike my old laptop.
And pleased you liked the poem, by Gaby Compres, I loved it.
I'm still struggling with this catheter and was offered an Urologist Appointment to have it removed, then checks to see if I could pass urine, but I already had something booked for that day and so said I couldn't attend. They are supposed to be sending me a new appointment, but of course they haven't although I have phoned their clinic twice and left messages, to no avail. I cannot see the point of a phone that is only able to take messages and no one answers and then no response!
So I'm just carrying on but very unhappy and still uncomfortable at night, but at least I slept 7 hours the night before last, but then last night I couldn't get to sleep, so read till 1:30 am.. What was the book you could put down Jan? (Jabblog) reading to the early hours, please share.
At this moment in time I am ready to start screaming at Drs and the lack of understanding, that we the patients are at their mercy.. they hold all the cards and although we are willing to go with their rules and restrictions, we are suffering. Well I am, the tubes from the catheter rub and I am sore and find walking agony. Its like I have barbed wire between my legs.. TMI? Sorry but that's what its like.. the straps holding the collection bag on my leg are making my lower leg and foot swell, so that's worrying me too. Can't have the straps too loose as then the bag ends up by my ankle!
So I'm going to phone the clinic every day!! I have always said. 'Its the squeaky wheel that gets oiled!' WTS
Hope you are able to get your doctors' appointments scheduled, soon.
Yes, be a squeaky wheel - it's the only way and you definitely need urgent attention or you'll end up with even more problems.
The book that kept me reading, though it was unbelievable in parts and the ending was annoying, was ;What you did' by Claire McGowan. I followed that with another one by her, 'The Other Wife.' Again, you have to suspend belief, but it's quite a good yarn.
This has to be just so unbelievably sorry situation. You should not have to repeatly call but you must! I hope they finally schedule you in. And you find a boring book to put you to sleep.
Unless we complain, they don’t know. I have seen circumstances where women are not treated as well as men. My husband’s grandmother was treated horribly by a doctor when she had bladder issues. With a doctor shortage, one questions whether to say anything, at least that was an issue for her in the early 90s.
Oh dear, that sounds awful, you keep on squeaking! Call twenty times a day! Hugs to you from over here in New York.
Oh dear, Chris. Is there an urgent care facility you can go to? That sounds awful. And the soreness could cause infection, couldn't it??
Must be miserable having that catheter with all the problems attached, I feel for you.
Prayers for a rapid response..
I'm sorry you're having such issues with the cath and the office! Praying you get in soon.
It sounds really miserable and I'm so sorry you have to put up with it. Hoping something is sorted soon. xx
So sorry you are experiencing all these problems.
Keep phoning and I hope you will get to see a Doctor soon.
All the best Jan
Praying you have better luck next time you phone your clinic. The catheter issues sound awful.
I'm really sorry to hear about the frustrations you are having to get the treatment you need. Continue being that squeaky wheel. I hope it gets sorted for you very soon.
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