Tuesday, 7 January 2025

Arggg why did I do it?

 Although I decided to eat sensibly over Christmas and folIow the Slimming World plan, I did and I didn't!

Obviously Christmas day with Duck, as our main meal that didn't follow the SW plan, but we knew that and neither did the Christmas Pudding with fresh cream. 

( A typical SW meal. spiced mince, boiled rice and peppers)

We did buy a few extras but Christmas only comes once a year and before Christmas on the 20th it was my birthday, but we didn't go mad and have a Chinese take away. To be honest I really would have loved that! We'd been to the Garden Centre lunch time so that was nice and that was all. (I did have ice cream!)

But then Christmas was difficult both my step daughters gave me tasty treats, Chocolates, Turkish Delight and tins of biscuits. Dh bought the Cadbury's Dairy Milk, so a lot of  high calorie foods.
I can resist chocolates, but Ice cream is my biggest failure so now its all gone, we won't buy anymore. 
We're really good at cooking SW meals, the one pictured here is 

Easy Chicken Supreme, the creamy look is quark, a fat free sort of cheese.. It can have a sour taste and that's perhaps why a lot of SW recipes have a lot of herbs and spices. We have a lot of SW cookery books and do sit down  and plan our meals. When we're good, we're very good and once we're in the 'mode' we stick to the plan.
So that's what I have to do, because I have gained quite a bit, well truth be told quite a lot.. so why did I do it?
In past Christmases I haven't gained much, but the combination of this catheter, broken nights sleep and not getting out walking= weight gain!
So here I am, my clothes feel just a bit uncomfortable so a big intensive to keep to the plan.. can I? I hope I can, I'm already in a size bigger than a few years ago and I am not buying new!
All the Christmas stuff is away so not visible.. back to normal this week, started yesterday. We're meeting a friend in town for coffee but no Tiffin or Currant Bun, we'll take a SW Hi-fi bar with us! What about you, was there a weight gain?



Joy said...

Despite plenty of good intentions and planning, I have gained a shedload too. Back on it now and we do know what to do so that's good. Three or four weeks and we will be much more comfortable again. xx

KirstenM said...

Well, I knew I would put on a bit of weight over Christmas and New Year so getting on the scales wasn't a HUGE shock. If I can end the month lighter than I started it I will count that as a win. One little step at a time. Step 1; remove the biscuit tin from my sight!

Angela said...

Yes there was. But I am being gentle with myself. Two grandchildren are fussy eaters, and I wanted to set a good example at mealtimes. There are three boxes of chocs left (I thought it was 2 then found one I'd hidden away!) We will keep those and eat sparingly over the next few months. I'm upping veg,and cutting down on cakes and puds, and restricting bread products. I will lose this weight, but slowly. Best wishes as you go back to SW ways . Be gentle on yourself, be grateful for time eating with friends and family

Bless said...

Sensible eating is always a challenge, especially after celebrating special occasions such as a birthday and Christmas. I need to eat a low fat, low sugar diet for health reasons and I do need to lose some weight. But, I indulged a bit over Christmas and now need to scale back. However, I didn't gain any weight, so I shall take that as a win. :)

Maggie said...

Although I haven't got on any scales I feel I've definitely put some weight on. It hasn't helped that for the last few months I've been in pain and can't go for a decent walk. I'm slowly getting back to eating better and only twice a day.

Mari said...

There was a weight gain but only one pound. Now the Christmas food is gone and it's time to get back to sensible eating again!

Lorrie said...

Yes, there were a few pounds gained over the holidays. I'm now on a mission to eat less and forego the chocolates and cookies. Good luck - when ill or laid up it's hard to not eat the comforting foods containing sugar.

Liz Hinds said...

Definitely bigger than I was a month ago. I still have lots of Maltesers to get through but aside from that I am trying . . .

Marcia said...

Yep! Too many cookies. I off of wine, and desserts for forseeable future. I'm also upping the exercise now that hip problems resolved.

Lowcarb team member said...

Christmas can often cause problems with an increase in weight but it's the New Year now so back on track for many of us.
Take care.

All the best Jan

Granny Sue said...

I have indulged over the holidays too, but I have been careful and have maintained or perhaps lost a little weight. What helps me is that we eat dinner early, usually around 4, and if I eat later it's fruit or veggies. Trying hard to shift more pounds, but it isn't easy.

Back2OurSmallCorner said...

Good luck with the weight loss. I know you can do it, just take your time.