While chatting to a friend recently, we mentioned Christmas TV programmes.. and it made me feel like I wasn't living the life of an adult! She hadn't watched any of these, not even one!
Or am I boring because I watched ' The Railway Children,' filmed 1970 again, and yes I chocked up again when Bobbie, Jenny Agutter, ran towards her father shouting, 'Daddy, my Daddy,' when he arrived off the train.. who didn't?
Then, I also watched, 'The Railway Children Return.' 2022. This one was set during WW2 and the children were evacuees. Jenny Agutter was cast as a grand mother of three children and takes the last three evacuees, a sister and her two brothers to live with her too. Of course the Train Station features in this film too, altho the main gist of the story is that of a young soldier, who had run away. Jenny Agutter made history by playing the same character 54 years apart! I loved this film too, and the all the children were amazing actors,..
But then I also watched, 'The Primrose Railway Children' 2024. A story loosely based on the original Railway Children written by Jacqueline Wilson. This was a wonderful film, a modern take, but with all the heart of the original story. I absolutely loved it. The story is about Phoebe, Becks and younger brother Perry and their Mum, up rooted from their comfortable Glasgow life, to the rugged hills of a remote area of Scotland. They are there, when their Dad goes to Japan on a mysterious business trip. Their mum says its a holiday, but it's in a ramshackle old cottage in the Scottish Highlands, with no TV, no wifi and she says 'Its a holiday??' The children try to figure out what actually happened and what is the mystery.
Yes,, a children's story, but very good. I think I'm living the childhood I never had (no TV when I was young)
And if this isn't the cherry on the cake. I also watched the BBC film of The Famous Five'. Julian, George, Anne, Dick and Timmy the dog,.. the books now superseded by books by J K Rowlings, Antony Horowitz and Malorie Blackman..
Enid Blyton was looked down on by educationalists for years, but I grew up with them and read them all. Probably to the child of today, the Famous Five books would seem boring and stuffy middle class stories, of the 1940s and 1950s.
But I got lost in those books and I wouldn't read Harry Potter even if you paid me!! Although I might be tempted, if I was stuck on a desert island and there was nothing else to read, because I once read a spy thriller book left on a plane, as I had run out of books.. (Before I had a kindle)
Although I think someone should have told J K R, that sometimes one or two words are enough, rather than seven!
The video is The 'Primrose Railway Children'
I love 'The Railway Children' and the ending never fails to bring tears. I can't read Harry Potter - I've tried several times and just can't get into the books, though I've watched and enjoyed several of the films with my grandchildren. What would life have been without Enid Blyton?
I've never heard of that but I think I would like it! I remember reading The Boxcar Children when I was young. I love those types of shows.
I enjoyed your post and I not only watch children's movies, I also read young adult novels and I am a retired high school English teacher. Enjoy!!
I watched them all too and cried at Jenny Agutter's Daddy, my Daddy. Gets me every time. I love watching old programmes films and re-reading books. If you enjoyed them first time round, why not again. Hugs Xx
Isn't it wonderful that we can make our own choices. And, it really doesn't matter what anyone else thinks about it! The joy of being an older woman, I think.
I did enjoy reading Enid Blyton and I was pleased to see the grandchildren reading some of her books ... but they also read Harry Potter! Actually I am pleased they enjoy reading as so many children don't seem to read these days!
All the best Jan
I’ve never heard of The Railway Children but I will look for it.
I am not familiar with these movies, or the books, but are they about the children sent away during WWII? My aunt was one of those.
I did read a few of the Harry Potter books because my grandson, who was seven and staying with us at the time, wanted me to read them to him. I read the first 3 and thought them very good. Rowling's writing was excellent, I thought, and I am picky. But after those three I just didn't finish the series--i seldom do read all of a series though.
I loved the Railway Children and I also enjoyed many of Enid Blyton's books but not 'The famous Five' series.
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