Sunday, 2 March 2025

A Treat!

 St David's Day.

We made Welsh cakes, 4 are going  to be sent to my G/son whose birthday is Friday.. Dh made them with me giving instructions, while sitting in the kitchen, knitting the second sock for my  G/son to send  as well.

When I spoke to my daughter after his birthday last year, he complained to her, that he hadn't had a present from her and his Dad, but that I had sent him hand knitted socks! They had sent him money, but it is still nice to receive something through the post it seems, even when you're in your twenties!

The Welsh cakes are delicious..


8 oz SR Flour

4 oz Butter or marg

3 oz Castor Sugar

3 1/2 oz of Sultanas

1 mean Tsp nutmeg

Pinch of Salt

1 med Egg


Rub flour and  fat together till it looks like bread crumbs

Add salt, sugar, nutmeg and sultanas and mix together.

Make a well in mixture and drop in the egg

Folk together till it looks like a dough, if a little dry add a drop of milk.

Roll out to 1/4 inch thickness

Using a cake cutter, cut into rounds (makes about 15)

Bake on a lightly greased bakestone on low heat, if no bakestone, dry clean pan.

Cook on each side 3 mins or until pale brown, check frequently/

Place on cake wire to cool

Sprinkle with sugar

Ready to eat immediately!

I hope you enjoy them, we did!


Dydd Gwyl Dewi Hapus!


KirstenM said...

They look delicious. Especially warm from the pan!

Marie Smith said...

The cakes look so good! Yummy!

Lynn and Precious said...

Great with the socks! Cakes look yummy.

Mari said...

Yum! He'll be happy to get them!