Best laid plans etc and my day had gone! Fridays start early for us, as its our slimming world (SW) class is 10:00am. We aim to leave our house at around about is only approx. a mile away but takes us about 7 minutes to get there, park on the road and then I trundle along with my wheels, half asleep up the rickety pathway to the entrance to the scout hut. Since Christmas the numbers have grown, but only the old regulars stay for the class with about 2 or 3 new members. A lot of the new ones, come pay, get weighed and leave!
We try to get there before the queue gets too long, for the weighing at 9:30, because we eat our one slice marmalade sandwich, after we have been weighed and Dh makes us a lovely coffee in our mugs, which is usually still hot. Such a palaver you think? But anything to get that number down on the scales. Like most people we wear the same clothes each week. I lost 11/2 pounds so moderately pleased, would have liked 2 pounds, but hey ho one and a half is ok.
There were three dogs there today, Emlyn, a little sandy coloured spaniel of sorts, with the most adorable freckled spotted nose, so cute; Jess a huge brown Bedlington Terrier, she is so good, wanders around while her master gets weighed and will go to anyone... and today a new one named Clint, yes after Clint Eastwood! He is an allsorts, long haired, black and white, very short legs and a long whishy tail! He literally swept the floor as he walked!
No knickers found today, but our consultant keeps us laughing.. someone had put a packet of dried peas in the box for the slimmer of the week.. so she asked what would or could you do with them... my answer plant them to grow for pea shoots. She turned my cheeky answer into a positive, because peas in any form are not a SP food, (a speed food, very low calories) but pea shoots are! She is always very positive!
We came home planning a soup lunch and then finish off the cleaning.. but as we finished lunch, we had someone knocking on our front door.. Dh answered and there was some talking and then shouting! It was my middle son and wife who live in West Wales just dropped in to see us, and Dh didn't recognize him at first. Its been two years since we'd seen them as he's been ill. So no further cleaning just tea and coffee and lots of chat. Lovely to see him as he had a triple bi-pass Sept 2022.. he is looking good and his wife, a successful SW target member.
So maybe some cleaning tomorrow, there is only our bedroom to do.. but of course next week, the cleaning Rota starts all over again, unless of course our plans go array again. But that's life, it can be full of surprises!
Well done on losing 11/2 pounds and nice for you to get that unexpected knock on the door from your middle son and wife.
All the best Jan
What a lovely surprise to have your son stop by. Sounds like your ordinary day turned quite special.
One and a half pounds is good going - when I did WW many years ago we were told to aim for one pound a week once we'd done the first two weeks of more restricted menus.
An unexpected visit from family is always a good excuse to put down the dusters and mop!
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