Sunday, 16 March 2025

2017 Lupin seeds did not germinate!

 I've had a good germination from the seeds I sowed a couple of weeks ago except for the lupins. Very disappointed about that, but on looking at the seed packet they were dated 2017!! 

So a visit to the nearest garden centre was needed..We promised ourselves that we would only have a coffee there and not be tempted by their lunch  menu.  And we were good, we didn't even go to the Olive Tree restaurant.

We did look at the seeds, bought lupin seeds, new dahlia tubers, seed potatoes and some gladiola bulbs Dh 's choice and French bean seeds.

We had a look around the lovely bits and pieces there,  I was tempted as I love the cows, but as I have been clearing out stuff, I can't buy more.

But then we discovered a new deli, well new to us, The Green and Wild deli.. so we thought just a coffee, but it was lunch time and we looked at the menu!

Wow what a choice.. you could have anything with sour dough bread, and altho' the sausage sour dough toast looked amazing I decided on the ham and tomato quiche with a mixed salad.
The salad was out of this world, very finely shredded lettuce, red cabbage, savoy cabbage, grated carrot, spinach leaves, finely chopped broccoli, nuts, beans and sultanas with a vinaigrette dressing. and a full fat coleslaw. it was delicious. I could have just had the salad it was so tasty. I think we'll be going there again!
I've sewn to lupin seeds, Dh has dug up the weeds in the fence bed, but broke my long handled trowel so that means a good reason to go back to the garden centre and maybe a coffee in the deli?



Joy said...

What a find. The food sounds amazing. xx

Maggie said...

Garden centres are full of temptation, you can never go for just one thing

Lynn and Precious said...

I really enjoy your photos of inside the nursery with plants. Nothing will be for sale here until the middle of April at least. Can't wait to see color in person.

Rustic Pumpkin said...

You had me at the salad was out of this world. I do love a good salad and that one sounded delicious. Sorry, the seeds didn't germinate. When sowing old seeds, I always think they've got two chances. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

Marie Smith said...

Sounds like a great day, Chris! And a reason to go back…perfect!

Mari said...

Sounds like a perfect outing! I want to try the salad!

Misadventures of Widowhood said...

Your photos of the garden center are calling me to visit my local plant place. I held some plants over the winter and need some dirt to repot them and hopefully give them a head start for patio weather the end of May here.

Back2OurSmallCorner said...

Sorry the Lupins didn't germinate for you but hopefully some fresh seed will do the trick. My dad loved Lupins and grew lots. It sounds like you had a lovely trip to the garden centre and found a new place to enjoy eating at as well. Wishing you a good week so that you can enjoy more of your garden.

jabblog said...

Sounds well worthwhile.