Here he is with the socks.. and he ate the Welsh cakes right away! I guess he liked them!
So lovely to get phone messages like this, if only they really realised what joy it gives us grandmas. I do get phone calls, but I don't think they know how we love to hear how they are.
Sometimes I'm told they haven't done much all week but I've said that to friends, who have ended the call with 'So lovely to hear your voice.' Which makes me realise how much they wanted that call.
Have you ever met someone who you haven't seen for a while, or even someone you don't know, who can't stop talking. How lonely they must have been, so they had to tell you everything there and then. I smiled at a lady in a garden centre once, while we both stood there, admiring the abundance of spring bulbs, that were displayed there and before I knew it she was telling me about a difficult situation she was experiencing. We stood there together while she talked and talked, she was in quite a state, but I left her smiling and I felt good for the chat too..I was glad I was there for her at that time when she needed it.
So don't be afraid to phone someone, you could probably make their day.
That's so true
I don't live anywhere near any of my family, but when I am on the phone with them they are right there with me. I have never quite got my head around the wonder of it, even though I am 60, so have had plenty of practice!
Yes, now I know older women talk to random strangers, they probably haven't spoken to anyone all day. Being here on my own all week I know that feeling only too well now, most days I don't speak to a soul until hubby phones.
Walking the boardwalk, we have come to know numerous regulars who stop to chat. Somedays the conversations are longer than others. It all starts with a smile!
Love seeing how happy you made your grandson! Wonderful.
Aww bless, how lovely of your grandson. I have hearing problems so can't hear too well on phone calls, so we keep in contact with family via WhatsApp and texts.
I love that photo!
You are so right, good reminder for me.
How very true that is.
That is a great photograph... I just knew he'd like them :)
All the best Jan
I like connecting with strangers. Sometimes, it's just a smile and sometimes a little more.
Phone chats are wonderful.
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