Monday 19 June 2023

Does it make you happy?

 At the beginning of April,  I promised myself to  lose 8 pounds in the month, well I failed that goal. I lost 1/2 pound each week and then the first week of May I didn't lose but stayed the same. I was so disappointed I hadn't gone over my 'syns' (the extras you're allowed with the slimming world food plan) So what happened the next week? I gain a whole pound.  And I haven't done much better since. 

But I have now continued on my weight loss journey,  because that number on the scales doesn't tell you:

How strong you are.

How fit you feel.

How well you're sleeping.

And it certainly doesn't tell you how amazing you are; this last week on two occasions different people have said to me, how good they felt after speaking to me  and how interesting I was!

Losing weight didn't give me that ability I always had it! No one would deny that losing weight is better for health and allows you to live better day by day, and that it also promotes a feeling of well being, so I will carry on. 

But I know I can be happy regardless of my weight loss! And according to many friends I don't look my age, even with my greying hair, I have smooth looking skin. I presume that's because I eat a healthy diet and use good facial creams and no soap!

What do you think about dieting?



Elizabethd said...

I've been trying , with Slimming World. Like you, the losses are small and sometimes not there at all. Overall I have lost half a stone, which is half what my target was. They say age has something to do with it!

busybusybeejay said...

I don’t weigh myself.I. Just go how my clothes fit.The only time I followed a diet plan,I put on weight!!

Angela said...

It is not unusual, I understand, to add a little weight with each passing decade. And maybe that acts as a cushion when we fall over. But a lovely personality, and a welcoming smile, and a cheerful character are things which are not dependent on a sylph like figure! Well done on ANY weight loss [I am still not sure about the 'syns' though]

Latane Barton said...

As time passes so does our waist expands! Seems everything we love to eat is fattening! I've given up trying to lose weight... I am what I am. Just maintain and be happy.

Joy said...

My losses tend to be fairly small too. Being close to target and in my happy place anyway enables me to focus on the quality of what I am eating and developing and using good longer term eating. I'm OK with that. I (try to) use syns to enhance my meals rather than on snacks.
It sounds like you are doing just fine - well done. xx

Bette said...

Thank you posting this. I so needed to hear this. I'm on WW and have been having an up/down relationship with my weight. But I feel good and my clothes are fitting better. I don't look my age (or so I've been told), 70 in September. I am trying but am not going to beat myself up if it's slower than I like.

Siebrie said...

I'm 51 and neither loosing nor gaining weight, just gaining clothing sizes. My muscles deteriorate and my belly flab expands...