Saturday, 2 March 2019

Left over yarn

I belong to the CAL for the sweet pea blanket, I am on part three.  I am not making it bigger,  but will be doing the border next as it will be big enough as a throw for our summer house settee. But on the FB page people are asking what do you do with your left over yarn. I did this poncho with Lucy Attic 24 pattern just like hers. 
Last week I gave it to a charity shop as I thought I 'd wear it gardening, but it wasn't lose enough. 
I enjoyed doing it so that was my pleasure. In fact looking back at this blog, most of the cross stitch I did was for gifts or raks or exchanges so I need to do some for me!
I have 6 wips so I need to be more focused and get stitching! Plus I have 2 knitting projects to finish And a quilt.. oh dear quite a lot on the go!
How many stitchy things and/ or any other projects do you have on the go?



Joy said...

Too many, I'm afraid, but I did finish a jumper yesterday - now I just have to sew it up!

mamasmercantile said...

I always have at least to, as I like a small project for on the go. But at the moment I have six, which makes for interesting crochet time.

Julie said...

What a great poncho, I love it - lucky person who spots that in the shop.