Here is my Blue Ribbon piece which is lovely to stitch
And of course my Beatrice Potter sal, I have made good progress with this this month and can feel a finish is in my sights!
As well as these I have completed a LHN which is a pressie so will show that again and I have been busy with my PIF pressies so all in all a busy month!
Our Travelling Stitcher sal now has 8 stitchers to take part and 11 followers.
I have my fabric cut and edged ready for LHN Prairie Sampler sal starting tomorrow and some one has kindly lent me a frame for my Celtic Lady and as I have all the materials I can feel a new start coming on!
Happily stitching
Your stitching is looking very good - I have emailed for details of the January SAL :)
Very beautiful WIPs!
Love the fabric for Summer...she is going to be gorgeous!
Lovely WIPs. The colours for the Blue Ribbon design are gorgeous. I have already completed the travelling stitcher but will be watching everyone's progress.
Lovely work - the Beatrice Potter one is stunning.
Michelle x
They're lovely - great stitching!
Great progress on your BP. BR is a very pretty piece & I am so looking forward to your CA start - love these Celtic ladies. :0) Sounds like the SAL is taking off too. There are so many lovely SAL's starting in the New Year & I daren't sign up for any yet. :0(
Great progress on the BRD and on the Beatrix Potter piece. I love the fabric you have for the Celtic lady, it should be lovely, can't wait to see it. CJ ok;-)
Hi busy lady. I love your projects. Have a nice day.
Beatrix is looking great, lots of lovely new things to be started
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