I stitched it each evening when we were sitting together in front of the TV and he never once noticed what it was!!
It wasn't his only pressie as we had practically emptied the men's clothing section in M&S when we went the other day!! Well he did need it as he has lost 3 1/2 stones in weight.
Its slightly on the squish in the frame but I did it very hurriedly when he was out, but I did it so I could so I could adjust it if necessary and it is !!
Very satisfying to see something I have stitched in a frame, most are just in boxes all over the place. I bought the frame when we were in Brixham, it was reduced in a trinket shop with a print of teddies in it. I am a great one for buying pictures where I can use the frame for my own work!!
looks lovely. well done.
love kath
Happy Birthday to DH - great gift - I love that design, a wish list one of mine.
What a lovely finish.
I'm a great one for finding frames in charity shops and re-using them. It gets embarassing though when the little old ladies coo over the (usually appallingly cute and kitsch) pictures in them... I do try and restrain myself and don't tell them they are being ripped out!
Birthday greetings to your DH, and well done on the weight loss!
It is a fantastic design. Lovely framing too
Looking good . I can believe he didn't notice what you were stitching , my hubby is like that too lol. The kids know exactly what's being done thought , and the usual question is "Is that for me?"
Happy Birthday to your DH. Lovely design well done. Have e-mailed you about the Travelling Stitcher SAL. Michelle x
Lovely finish....Happy Birthday to your DH too
Great gift for you DH!!! Isn't it amazing how oblivious they can be.
I stitched an entire huge airplane for my DH right in front of him and he never even notices.
Congrats on the great finish, it came out great and the frame you found is perfect. I am sure your husband loved it. CJ ok;-)
Happy Birthday to your DH. The frame is perfect for it - gorgeous gift. :0)
Have picked up a few nice frames in charity shops for very little cost. I don't tell them I'm ditching the pic either. :0)
Lovely gift! Great buy on the frame, it looks perfect for the stitching!
Happy birthday to DH!
Looks great.
That looks great, I love the design. I have stitched for my DH in front of him before.... never noticed either!!
It loks great.
Love the fact you stitched it under his nose and he never noticed.
Very tempted by your SAL.
Happy Birthday Wishes to DH, a truly lovely special gift
Looks Great !!! I know he loved it !!!
oh it's very lovely
regards marylin
Belated Happy Birthday to your DH and that's a beautiful gift you finished.
Thank you for stopping by my blog. What a lovely job you've done and the frame suits it beautifully. Had to laugh at your DH not noticing, I don't think mine could tell you what I've stitched. Well done on the weight loss so far for,
Hello Chris, your stitching looks very nice and the framing too :-)
I wish you a great week-end ,
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