Wednesday 22 June 2022

We are such 'Numpties!!'

 We are such a pair of 'numpties'. The reading group we've joined here,  is on the third Wednesday of the month, which we missed this month, because the 1st of June was a Wednesday, hence when we thought it was the afternoon meeting, we were a week late! 

I was so annoyed because we were to discuss this book. I read it when it was first published 2017. Although I could remember the gist of the story, I was happy to read it again and I am really glad I did, because I loved it even more than my first time reading! And I found new bits in it which quite surprised me.

If you haven't read this book I would recommend that you do. Eleanor is a young woman of 30 who works in an office Monday to Friday and spends her weekends alone with two bottles of Vodka! She wears the same clothes and eats the same food, week in week out, in fact she appears to lead a very simple life. But she is a wonderful character, and I laughed out loud several times. I really loved her and wanted the best for her. Her story was sad, but I was rooting for her and felt for her loneliness. She tried so hard to fit in and did all sorts of things to achieve that, taking the advice of shop girls to dress, as she thought she should,  to attract someone to whom she took a fancy. Her way of speaking was like that of someone on the Aspergist spectrum, so people thought her odd.  I liked her directness and it made me question why we don't acknowledge the odd bods of life,  as they have the most interesting stories to tell. I would have been proud to call Eleanor my friend, she was brilliant and I was so pleased when Raymond was introduced into the story. Do read it if you can.

I've given you my opinion of this book,  so its not so bad that I missed the Reading Group after all!

PS, Next month's meeting is 22nd July, we have the date written down, to discuss 'The Followers' A book set in the future, great, can't wait to read it.


Latane Barton said...

Such a lovely surprise seeing you over on my blog "Accidently Aging". do hope you will pop in again from time to time. I love to read and was pleased to see your book report. Now, I will have to put it on my reading list.

Eileen H said...

That does sound a very good read, a really interesting character.

Jo said...

Oh, I loved this book. Such an interesting character. Have you read The Other Half of Augusta Hope by Joanna Glen or The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry by Rachel Joyce, both books I think you may enjoy.

Liz Hinds said...

Hi Chris,
I very much enjoyed Eleanor Oliphant too but can't remember much about it!
We sound very similar - I live in a seaside town in Wales (Swansea) and have an old dog. And I'm a Christian.

Came here from Terra's blog because you mentioned hiraeth!

Liz Hinds said...

Oh crumbs! Did I delete my post or publish it?

Liz Hinds said...

I'll do it again just in case. If I've already said this please delete!

Hi Chris,
Came here from Terra's blog because you mentioned hiraeth. We sound very alike: I live in a Welsh seaside town (Swansea), have an old dog and am a Christian.