Friday, 27 December 2013

A super Christmas pressie

When I saw this book on someone's blog I wanted it.. DS#1 Asked what I'd like for  Christmas and I said this book, 'Quilty Fun,' by Lori Holt.
Now that I have had time to really look through it,  it is even better than I had envisioned. Tons of great information, tips, patterns and loads of Lori’s fabulousness all wrapped up in a spiral bound  book. Every quilt in here is my favourite and the best part is , its written in a way that makes it easy for you to make your own layout  with all of the designs 
 I would like to make this quilt with the panels of tulips and this book has this quilt in it.
I can't wait to start looking for fabric, I love the bright colours and it would be our summer quilt.


Julie said...

Fabulous gift you've received.

Leslie: said...

Lucky you! Obviously, DS#1 "heard" you and went right out to find it. Hope your day was grand.

Vickie said...

How wonderful! Have fun with it!

Beth said...

What a wonderful gift. I know that you will enjoy it!

Annette-California said...

Beautiful quilt on the cover. Great gift from your sister. Yes it will be a fun new quest for you to hunt just the right colors of fabrics.
Enjoy! love Annette

butterfly said...

Great Book, you will have fun can't wait to see what you make hugs.