I’ve had difficulty putting on my hip hip happy Pollyanna head today because I can't tell you about the cross stitch Meet Up at Nuneaton yesterday because I did‘t go!
Thursday I did nothing and by the evening knew why. I felt washed out as I was starting a horrible cold! The only place I can think of where I have been in contact with people was my slimming group on Wednesday morning so that fits the time for it to develop. I had hoped it would just be a 48 hour thing as I was supposed to be going to the Stitch and Stash cross stitch get together in Nuneaton yesterday. But by Saturday morning I felt really rotten and a lot worse , as well as a sore throat and cough I was aching all over. So annoying not to feel well! Grrrrrr! I feel a lot better today, that awful itching ache at the back of my throat has gone and my nose has stopped running!! Still got a sore throat but at least I don't feel so ill in myself.
I didn’t even go to church today, the thought of getting cold there filled me with dread. I don’t know where I’ve got this cold from because I keep myself warm, eat two oranges a day plus two yoghurts. I think I am getting paranoid in my old age because I am coddling myself and avoid getting cold etc!! I hate being ill, although yesterday Mike waited on me hand and foot and we even joked about me taking a walking stick upstairs to bang on the floor if I needed anything, when I went to lie down in the afternoon, but I said I ‘d take my phone instead!! But didn’t need it. I dozed most of the afternoon and then stayed up watching TV with Mike until quite late but we were still awake at 5 this morning drinking tea! My chicken Sunday dinner has bucked me up so I think I will be fit and raring to go tomorrow, only two days too late for the cross stitch meet up. Boo hoo, still I have had some fun this afternoon doing this collage pic of Autumn..
Sorry to hear you're feeling so poorly and that you missed what looked like a great get together!
There's nothing worse than a miserable cold, so you take care and drink lots of tea with lemon. And take advantage of dear hubby as much as possible. *wink*
I've had a similar cold and it was really rough for a couple of days but luckily the bad bit seems fairly short lived so hopefully you will find the same.
So sorry you are unwell Chris and missed the meetup - there will be another one in April so see you then. Get well soon :)
I’ve tried all sorts of coughing syrups, believe me, but none of them helps. Even though Nin Jiom Pei Pa Koa www.geocities.jp/ninjiom_hong_kong/index_e.htm does not eliminates the cough I like to stick to this chinese syrup I’ve been taking since I was a kid: Nin Jiom Pei Pa Koa. My grandfather is chinese, so I guess my mom got the advice from him. I was really surprised when I found that chinese market selling it here in Belgium. It does have a refreshing, soothing, sweetening effect…as long as it lasts…then back to coughing mode.
Loquat is for cough and lung in Chinese medicine. Sometimes i would take the Ninjiom Pei Pa Koa which is an extract of loquat when got sore throat.
You can access info online @
Oh no...so sorry you caught a cold bug and missed your stitching get-together. Hope you are feeing much better now...hugs, Linda
You were missed at the meet up Chris, i hope you are soon fully recovered and feeling much better
There are so many worse things to have than a cold but I swear they make you feel worse than anything else!!
I'm touching wood when I say this but I haven't had one for three years now. When I come down with one tomorrow I'll blame reading your blog!! :)
Oh, hunny, so sorry to hear you are ill... =(
Really hoping you get back on your feet soon.
Also thank you very much for the encouraging words on the crochet field. I was definately needing this. I'm determinated this time: I AM gonna get the hang of it, no matter what. Lol. In fact I can see some progress on the way stitches are coming out now. It's like you say: practise.
Big hug and stay warm!
Sorry to hear you have been feeling so poorly Chris - hopefully you are now well on the road to recovery. Your photo collage is lovely - I really must learn how to do that! A x
So sorry you were poorly & missed the meet up - I can imagine how gutted you were (((((hugs))))).
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