My birthday was last sunday and I had a lovely day, We went to Essex to meet up with my three sons, and we had a truely scrumptious meal together. Mike bought me some beautiful earings, three coloured gold hoops with diamonds. They are lovely and if I was buying myself earings I would have bought those. I love them. Simon's Tracy and I had a giggle together in the pub toilets as you do about my sons and the fact once together they all revert to car talking bores!! Such a laugh, they haven't changed that over the years, but I can cope with them as its lovely to see them all getting along and having a laugh together.
And so I am a year older and in fact I am old, but gosh I don't feel that old but not 21 any more. My friends the same age as myself are all admitting to aches and pains so I am happy to join them and say I too have the odd ache, but only the odd one!
And what have I been doing as the day draws nearer?
This is my little freebie from Blue Ribbon which was the SS December challenge, don't look too closely as I made mistakes.. The red birds were half stitches and I just couldn't do it on the loose linen 28C I used, so I just did them as well as I could and tried to make them the shape they were.

And here are the socks finished for my DH, I increased the stitches on the pattern I had as directed but it didn't then say how many stitches in the heel turn etc, so just as well I am a veteran sock knitter, but it pushed my maths ratio knowledge to its limits and I have got bits of paper with lots of scribbly figures on them! LOL

And some of our christmas efforts.Our side board with the cake and chocs and of course Crofts Original sherry, which I like to have christmas morning with the smell of the turkey cooking. The little silver tray I bought one year from an antique shop on one of our Nurses Reunions. Our next is planned for 2011 when it will be 50 years from one we started, whew, we are all getting old!!

Our mantle piece in our lounge

And our tree, the cost of which was much too much and if we hadn't had vouchers from the garden centre where we bought it, we wouldn't have bought it. But it is one that keeps its pine needles so thats good, it means it will last till 12th Night. And Emily, Mike and myself dressed it together, we have lots of very pretty little ornaments that Mike and I bought together from the christmas shop in Stratford

So here we are Christmas Eve.. we have everything done, we think! I made Rocky Road choc slab and mince pies yesterday, the cake is iced, Mike has made ice cream and is making the merigne base for the pavlova today and I shall make the Boxing day trifle. We have the turkey and ducks, lots of veg and all the trimmings. My son Michael is joining us and my eldest son Simon and Tracy are arriving Boxing day and they are all staying for a day or two so that will be great. We are looking forward to the day now and the cooking doesn't faze me one bit as Mike does most of it I just hover and supervise!
So HAPPY CHRISTMAS ALL and I hope 2010 will be your best year ever, with good health and every blessing and happiness through out the year.