I was so amazed and delighted, wow my pressie from Robyn in Australia, what could it be?
And wow!All beautifully wrapped with bows and ribbon
I am completely over awed and haven't done it justice with my photos. The stitching is amazing and it has pockets and beads and lace and even pockets inside.
The quilting is fantastic, Robyn you are so clever and I can't say thank you enough. I never expected anything like this, the cross stitch chart will be a pleasure to stitch and those chocs... Roses!! yes definitely garden-ey
Thank you Robyn so much I shall be taking it every where I go to show to people and of course I shall pass on the PIF
How ever I can't match such a gift and mine will be some thing cross stitched
So sign up for my PIF and expect a stitchy some thing from me with in the next 12 months.Although I have to admit I will not be able to match Robyn's beautiful gift.#
Thank you and thank you again Robyn
Chris x
What a lovely surprise...hope you feel happier being back at home soon!
A stunning gift, i'm sure it will be well used and treasured.
You paint a lovely picture of your other home
why are you unable to move back to Essex???
What a wonderful PIF.
Poor old Coventry, ind who am I to comment I left when I was 19 to go to university and have never returned, except to visit my parents.
If not clear is this a PIF sign up blog as well?
What a gorgeous PIF Chris and what a lovely job Robyn has made of it.
love Sue x
Chris, I'm so pleased that my bag arrived in time to cheer you... you take care of you and think of me sometimes when you use it, knowing that it was made for you!!
hugs to you,
Robyn xx
Hi Chris
What a lovely gift.....Coventry aint that bad really lol.
Can I join your PIF please..??
What a fabulous gift...enjoy it!!
I would love to be part of your PIF
Thanks Elisa x
Dear Chris,
I wanted to say thankyou also for your birthday wishes... I had a lovely lovely day.
Robyn xx
What a lovely pick-you-up! Absolutely gorgeous. :0)
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