So its raining (again!!) And what else is there to do except drink wonderful coffee and stitch! We sit in our conservatory and count our blessings which are many. The cafetiere is new as the other one broke and it was an anniversary present to ourselves, which was last week. We spent it at the house in Billericay and it was a wonderful week! The sun shone, we ate out on our anniversary with my two of my sons and their partners and my friend Yvonne and her partner at the restaurant where we had our reception three years ago. It was a very delicious meal both in our 'day' and last week. We all enjoyed it very much! But the whole week was fanatastic, its wonderful to have somewhere we go to for a break and if we didn't need the money we would leave it empty. It was clean-ish except the main bedroom carpet had hair dye stains on it! Grrrrrr but the tenant is paying for it plus clearing the garden, which was very over grown and new vax, new rotary line so thats ok and we have new tenants, who are taking resident next week. We are down there again this weekend till tuesday, just finishing off some bits and having a break away. It's lovely there and we can't wait to move there in 2011 (20 months to go)... Mike walked through the High St for first time he and loved it, and I having lived there for 37 years consider it home!

Had to order some floss to go with three new charts, all a secret for the mo!
And here are the flowers we received from my Emily and Kathryn my step daughters and just some of our cards

And then the week before I met up with Jenny my friend from Australia, we spent a lovely day together and had lunch in a very nice pub out in the Warickshire country side and then had coffee in the garden of her cousin in Kilsby, which a lovely garden and good company, a truly wonderful day, she is flying home this saturday. I 'd love to visit her again, so need that tenant to pay!!

She looks lovely and I am my fat self... seeing photos of me is keeping me on the food plan although last week I might have put on a pound or two, so??? It was my anniversary and Jenny was over from Oz, not every day events! LOL

Hope if it is raining where you are its the right sort of rain erum! but really that the sun is shining in your world, it is in mine altho its wet outside, its swelling my marrows and cougettes and squashes, yum yum!