Happy New Year everyone, may Health and Happiness be yours and 2009 your best ever year.
Mike and I left the pub last evening before midnight having togged ourselves up in our 'party best'.. we were frozen as we were sat right by the door open for those who smoke... and also the speakers for the disco were opposite our table and without being spoil sports and showing our age, it really was tooooo loud. You couldn't hear a word that was said even when it was the person next to you.. so we came home and at 11pm were sat warm infront of the TV and BBC1 with a drink and some Kettle crisps which I found in our pantry... bliss! We saw in the new year watching the spectactular fireworks at the London Eye. This morning we have learnt that the crisps were the girl's that they had bought to go out and had forgotten, we thought they were ones we bought a while ago and had forgotten!!
Happy New Year to you.
Glad the evening ended well:)
Me and Mr. Right stayed home because of his knee surgery and watched the ball drop in New York on t.v.
Best part...he gave me a big smoochie @ 12:00!!
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year to you.
I missed it all, couldn't keep my eyes open and was in bed by 11pm!
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