Thursday, 19 December 2024

A calming carol to put right my traumatic day!

I need this carol to calm me down; I was awake in the night for hours which means so was Dh! I did eventually get back to sleep and slept till 9.. at 9:15 I had a phone call from the district nurse to say she was coming at 10:30 ish!! Big rush to shower and dress and to make sure there was a clean towel in the bathroom because she has always washed her hands.. what a good thing that we cleaned yesterday and cleared away the stuff we leave about,.. she arrived with  a young man, who is training to be a district nurse..
I was waiting for the questions, how I was etc, when she said the whole point of her visit was to change the catheter!!Oh no, pain my mind said! But honestly it didn't hurt one bit! This is a 12 week catheter, so bringing it to March before it can come out! Altho' I should be contacted by a Urologist before then, to decide what happens next??? I wasn't expected that, I thought this was a short time temporary thing. So I am not happy.

I already had an appointment with the chiropodist, she was supposed to come on 9th Dec, I had written the date and time down when she was here after last time.. she absolutely denied she had made that appointment for me and so I said 'what ever;' I seethed inside, she is  a very 'I am right' sort of person with very black and white views. She did annoy me! She insisted it was 1:00pm Dec 18th which is not a time I usually agree to, because we eat at that time.

But on top of that we had a phone call from the library to say the Book Group time had been brought forward from 2:30 to 1:00 pm!! 
So Dh informed them we would be late! Why and how some people expect you to fall in with their times, when they give you such short notice I don't know!  Its a one off thing because its Christmas, we were told and it will be back to our usual time after it... didn't the person who organizes it know to tell us last month?
So all in all a traumatic start to my day.

The  book group book was 'Foxash,' by Kate Worsley, I wouldn't recommend it. It was a depressing dark, horror story set in the 1930s, post the Great Depression, and based on true historical fact when unemployed people were set up on 4 acres of land, to grow produce to sell and make a living.
 So I was very glad to pick up a book by Erica James last night to read at bedtime, a real comfort read!
What a day I was exhausted and it was only Wednesday, there's the rest of the week to get through now. I hope no other phone calls to upset plans already in place!


jabblog said...

People can be so unreasonable. I hope today is a better day for you.

Sooze said...

I hope you have a calmer day today!

Lynn and Precious said...

it does seem the ones who are to be coming or have the office hours ready are the ones to rearrange the schedule. Hope the newer book is really good.

Marie Smith said...

A poor night’s sleep often is the start to a miserable day. Hope today is better!

KirstenM said...

Oh dear. One can ride out one punch, maybe 2, but then....

Marcia said...

Sorry, for such a dreadful day for you. Hope this next week goes smoothly and have a Merry Christmas.

Lorrie said...

Music does have a way of calming frazzled nerves. I hope your day improved and that you had a good night's sleep.