Tuesday, 9 January 2024


There were loads of photos on our town FB page last evening to show it was snowing!

No that's not us, this was our snow, just a thin sprinkling!

After a loo visit last night I disturbed Dh, as I was getting back into bed,  who then got out of bed.. When I asked if he was alright, because he rarely wakes... he was pulling back our curtains like a small boy to see if it was snowing!! Really??
;No snow,' he said... we both settled back down and slept till gone 8..
This morning there is brilliant sunshine.
We're cosy warm inside, our bungalow having been build pre 1940 has thick walls and it holds its heat; sometimes we're too hot!
An early morning photo of the café that over looks the harbour with frost on the tables.(FB photo)

We always had a coffee here, when we had Nell; nice coffee and very nice ice cream!

Moussaka for our evening meal, one of my favourite meals. I like to think about our evening meal through the day, it keeps me on track!
Have you had snow?



jabblog said...

We had a little snow but it disappeared quickly. Cold and bright here today in Berkshire.

Joy said...

I always do that when snow is forecast - and am usually disappointed. We had a bit yesterday but nothing worth getting excited about. xx

Sooze said...

Mmmm, I love moussaka too, although I make it with chicken mince nowadays.

Julia said...

No snow here, just rain. I also like to think about my evening meal throughout the day. I'm making homemade meatballs for dinner tonight!

Tracy said...

No snow here in North Yorkshire, but my daughter had a smattering in Oxford.

Deanna said...

Lots of snow. Some yesterday and lots more during the night. I woke to a WINTER WONDERLAND. Blue skies Tuesday afternoon. Bitter cold out though. Brrrr.

Billie Jo said...

We had it all today in Pennsylvania! It was snowy, icy, rainy, and windy! It was the perfect day to stay in and be cozy!

Marie Smith said...

Storm tomorrow with snow turning to rain and high winds. A day inside!

Bless said...

No snow here, in the valley where I live, but, further up in the mountain areas, there is snow.