Tuesday, 1 October 2019

And now I 'm making ....

This little jumper for ….

 ..this little man.. This my SD and her son.. he laughs and smiles all day long.
I'm really enjoying knitting it and have bought new circular needles as I love using them.. you can't lose a needle when it's attached to the other one!
What knitting needles do you like to use?


Winifred said...

Long aluminium ones.

I have used Knit Pro circular needles for my lace shawls with hundreds of stitches but I like to knit with the needle tucked under my arm so circulars are not my choice.

He's lovely & so is his jumper, a really nice style, so cosy too.

Cherie said...

I love bamboo ones and am currently knitting socks on a set of five double points that I bought very cheaply from ebay.