Saturday, 5 April 2014

What a difference a day makes!!

It is the most glorious sunshiny day and the bees are buzzing in our damson blossom.
The air is clear and today I could run a mile, well maybe not run, but I could do a steady walk!
We have these too in our garden, sometimes called the 'Sunshine Flower' although if you have ever had to wait in a hospital waiting room posters with these are all around advising women of their club.
If you don't you don't know what I mean, you never called out to someone who picked one..
'ooooo, now you gonna wet your pants!!'
Thank you Lord for each new day.



cucki said...

Sweet hugs and enjoy x

stitchersanon said...

Poor old dandelions! They got a hard time didnt they. I didnt know there was a 'club' for the rofl. Nice to see the change in seasons has brought a smile. We are all so ready for spring arent we!

butterfly said...

Sounds like a good day for you Chris , we are so blessed some days enjoy hugs.

Beth said...

The dandelions are true survivors and yet their yellow is a beautiful color!

Jo@awholeplotoflove said...

There were honey bees on the pear tree blossom last night in my garden, a lovely sight to see xx

Julie said...

The colourfulness on the garden certainly lifts the spirits and a little sunshine is very welcome too. Enjoy your garden Chris.