This little rascal girl Nell woke us this morning just after 4 am. Dh got up to see what the crying and wailing was all about. She had been a very, very little bit sick. He settled her and came back to bed, did she settle back down?? At 5 ish we were drinking cups of tea and she was on the bed in between us and sleeping!
I did doze but was extremely tired when we did decided to get up at 7:45 and she was still sleeping! Grrrrr
I didn’t go to church this morning because I knew if I sat still and quiet for any length of time I would doze off. Very embarrassing, I did it once in a members meeting and was woken at the end for the last song!
And where has Nell been all morning? Sleeping on the chair.
What a life she has and what a merry dance she sometimes puts us through! But we still love her.
I haven’t done any stitching this week as we have been very busy trying to get this house decorated and garden weeded and tidy as we want to go on the market to sell. We have had a new carpet laid in the hall, stairs and landing, which now looks a lot lighter. DH has removed all the broken handles and replaced them with pine knobs, on the kitchen cupboard doors and they look superb. Why we didn’t do this for us is a mystery! But it does all look very nice now.
I have also been knitting and unravelling a sock! I tried a mock cable stitch and the sock turned out to be too tight, even though I had cast on extra stitches to allow for the pattern. So I undid it, and knitted it up again, this time with the little mock cable as the rib and the rest of the sock just a patterned rib. I am half way through the second sock and if it is to be a February sock for the SOM I ‘d best get knitting!
Why do I give myself so much to do!
Happy days!!