Thank you to you all for your very kind words last week and to those who emailed me. What ever it was that pushed me into feeling so down has gone! And they were only words from someone I never see, so who cares??
Perhaps it had something to do with this....I stitched this for some one in my church who had been diagnosed with cancer ( Oct 2008) She is fine, completely cured and looks great! I didn't know this till today but she has this hanging where she sees it every day and every day and some times several times a day, she says a prayer for me. I was astonished when she told me.. how little things we do for some one can have an effect on us too. So thank you Su, I needed those prayers.And this morning church was wonderful, the preaching was completely uplifting and great worship songs too.
And the sun is shining today, albeit very frosty; the house is at last clean and tidy after Christmas (took it all down on thursday 12th night, which exhausted me and meant I slept really well !)
And DH and I have had some very pleasant evenings together, alone again...bliss!
My stitching is all getting done and I am loving it all.
I don't know why I decided I didn't like stitching this, because I have quite enjoyed it this week and had to stop myself from finishing it, after all I joined the 2011 weekly SAL to get it finished so I have all year!! LOL
I will start my Chatelaine for the SAL and do that when it is finished.
My Summer Celtic Lady is showing progress too. This HD Polstitches fabric is gorgeous to stitch on, so soft.
I think it is beginning to look like I have done some thing on it.
AND ta-da my latest stitching is.......
My Rosewood Manor Quaker Spring.. I absolutely love it! I didn't use the pale grey fabric as the paler colours just didn't show up, so used a 32C Cream Belfast that I had in my stash. I think the smaller stitching makes it look so delicate and I love the colours! Can't wait to stitch some more of this, this week!
So I am back normal and alwayssmiling again..So hip-hop and skippity do and happy days to all and wishing you many happy stitchy hours.