I am back after a lovely weekend but tiring! Must be my age erum???
Linda and I had booked this trip in November so we were really looking forward to it as it was her birthday on the Saturday. It started like a damp squib, as the coach was an hour late. We were relieved that there were others there waiting too otherwise we would have thought we were at the wrong place! Then it was so disorganised... there were supposed to be ‘comfort stops,’ but because it was late the courier suggested that we went straight to the hotel which was not in London and was only three quarters of an hour away, but several people who had been on that coach for three hours before it got to us said they wanted to stop. So we did at Stanstead services.
Linda and I had our picnic, smoked salmon and treats so we were alright! Then it was off to the hotel which was in Old Harlow in Essex, way out of London??? But it was a superb hotel,one of the Swallows chain; it was very comfortable and we did have a very, very yummy full English breakfast on the Saturday, which we wouldn’t have had if it had been in London.
Then off to O2 area. We made better time than was anticipated so we had loads of time and went for a snack meal at this ‘Eat the Latin Way’ Restaurant and very nice it was too.( I am dreading weigh in at my slimming group on wednesday!)
So then the show!! What a to-do! Cliff and the Shadows were wonderful but our seats were dreadful. They were on level 4, right up horribly high in a stack of side seats. We could hardly see the stage we were so far away, let alone people on it. But no matter there was a screen except that there were these huge sound thingys hanging down in front of our view so we couldn’t see a thing! We saw lots of people all filing down past us and going off to find different seats. So at half time we found someone to talk to and I made a fuss. I overheard someone saying there were free seats next to them, so I grabbed Linda and in front of some other people rushed to these seats for the second half, and it was wonderful. Quite a few people in our group didn’t move but then they didn’t have me at the helm making a fuss!
On Saturday, we spent the day in London and Linda and I went to Covent Garden, mooched around, and had a wonderful day! I bought a scarf; well a girl can’t have too many scarves! Just need a nice grey coat to go with it, so off to Stratford on Thursday to get one, M&S have just the one I want!

I can see Cliff looking older but I still love him and have done for 50 years!!Sigh!!
My mum is the biggest Cliff fan ever!! Glad you had a fun time despite the problems.
Hmmmmm...cannot see the appeal but glad you had a great time! When my aunt had cancer about 30 years ago, he sent her get well cards and a few birthday cards after that even though she had recovered.(he lived in Norfolk as well and read about her in the local newspaper). They were hand written as well, so I guess I can see why he has such a loyal fan base.
Sounds like it turned out to be a good weekend in spite of some things!
Sounds like you had a good time
I'm on the front row in Level 4 when we go to the Gymnastocs at the O2 in a couple of weeks. I'll take the binoculars.
Your post just beams with happiness and excitement. Lucky you!
Still in love with Cliff Richards. Good for you!!!! Glad you had fun even with a few trials.
Glad the niggles didn't spoil the weekend - sounds like you really enjoyed it. :0)
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