I saw on her blog that she loved sunflowers so a sunflower it was!
And on the back a couple of bees!
And I have been busy with one of my WIPs that I am doing for Gaynors SAL I am pleased to say that I completed all the back stitching on the green cat and on the one I did last week.. so I am moving along slowly.Its not that I don't like this but since I bought it close on three years ago my tastes have changed and it hasn't had the same appeal, however I am enjoying stitching it as doing it in a SAL makes it a must although today thursday is the day I usually stitch this and I am desperate to get an exchange finished for the year round Prairie Schooler exchange so I might just get that done and finished this evening. But if I do that I will be behind with my Beatrice SAL.... arghhhh there aren't enough hours in my days!!!
And this is what I would really like to get started on I have said two months in a row that I will and as yet I haven't.. I think I need to buy some 28c linen for it, so off to surf!

That sampler is just gorgeous...what is it called?
The scizzor for is beautiful...I love how you make your cording..wish I was that clever.
Great progress on the cats! You will get there!
Lovely scissor fob Chris, and I can understand you wanting to start on that Blue Ribbon Design, it's gorgeous. Can't wait to see your progress on it....love Sue x
The scissor fob is lovely.
And the sampler you are planning to do is just gorgeous
Lovely scissor fob and your new project is a beautiful sampler.
Beautiful fob for the exchange. I love your kitty piece too.
My Beatrix hasnt been out the box this month yet either LOL
I love the name of your blog -
Always Smiling
Lovely scissor fob, loved it. Nice kitty sampler, cant wait to see the FO.
Hey Chris,
Guess we missed each other while you guys were here.
Next time when u r here, let me be your guide. Beware....u will have to bring back excess luggages back home - weight gain !!! LOL
Lovely fob & good going on the SAL piece. Love the new piece, looking forward to seeing that develop. :0)
Hi Chris..I had a little smile at the comment on your blog.
NFN means normal for Norfolk: a saying that if you are from Norfolk you are inbred...completely untrue..too many RAF bases and Army bases for any basis in the saying lol
Your SAL piece will be adorable when its finished, its true our tastes do change.
Hi Christine
Love the scissor fob.
I love Blue ribbon too.
Whereabaouts in Cov do you live?
We could meet up at Festival of quilts- I think I'm planning to go on Thursday ( I've got time off work that week).
un trabajo precioso, me encanta como queda
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