I have worked solidly on this for three evenings and although this green cat is not completely finished I have given in... I got so fed up of all the different greens and even with keeping needles threaded with each colour it is so tedious! Anyway doing this much I can crawl out of the naughty corner and pack it away for a week (at least) I have down loaded my Chatelaine and realise I will have to get a larger copy of each page or I will have squinty eyes in no time!
My floss has arrived from Victoian Motto Sampler Shoppe for a new start on my BP sal, so I will sort that out tomorrow some time.. forcast is for rain so a day in stitching will be the order of the day!And I have my Home of a Needleworker all set up and ready to start.. I am looking forward to stitching that as it will be for me!