Thursday, 6 March 2025

Is this it... aging?

 I never gave much thought to being old but lately its hit me I am old. I used to laugh with  my friend when she used to say ..   ' This getting old is bloody awful' And she was so right.

Dh and I decided to have a bit of a turf out of the end bedroom, where we had all the boxes put, when we first moved here, June 2021.. there were no cupboards or fitted wardrobes, so we had to store stuff till we bought wardrobes.  We still have things that were left, because we couldn't decide where to put them, or even if we wanted them. We both have boxes of photographs, me holidays, Dh has loads of the twins when they were growing up.. 
After standing looking into crates my back was aching and so were my legs. This is me getting old I thought and I sat on the bedroom chair for a while. I'm still getting over yet another urinary infection, its not so much the pain, although that can be awful, its the lack of sleep. I've got so I dread going to bed.. some nights I sit in the lounge as I don't think it fair for Dh with  me getting in and out of bed..I feel I am better than I was, but still not 100%.
But I mustn't complain I've had a very blessed and happy life.  My first marriage wasn't wonderful, but I do have 4 lovely children, now grown, I loved it when they were little.
Before I met Dh I had some super friends and wonderful holidays and then I met my lovely husband and life has been good, in fact very good. 
So I must get myself well, the Dr has arranged for me to see  a Urologist so hopefully I'll get some answers and  proper treatment.. can't wait to get it all sorted and I can get a proper nights sleep.
One lovely moment yesterday I flicked open a photo album and there I was holding Saskia my grand daughter, when she was first born.. such a cutie little face, and I looked young and slim!  I had forgotten how good I looked!


Tuesday, 4 March 2025

A present.

 Knitted with a lot of love and I'm thrilled that the toe grafting now seems easy!! Packed and sent to my grandson and in another little box, 4 Welsh cakes as its his birthday on the seventh.

I have now started a pair for my daughter to wear in her wellies when she ventures out into the garden.
I don't need the pattern anymore I've knitted so many I remember it. Strange when I first started I thought I'd never do it, but now they're easy peasy!  And I love knitting them. 

My grandson, the youngest will be 25... I can't believe it, where did those years go to.. now a paralegal which is just what he wants to do.  I may have said this before but here it is again.......
When he was younger and asked what he wanted to do when he was grown up, he always answered ..he wanted a job, where you wore a suit and talked a lot, and that's what he does!
He does love to chat on the phone and from a very young age has given me all the family news.. I've always said to my daughter not to discuss secrets in front of him, because he can't wait to tell me!


Monday, 3 March 2025

Ruth Mancini

 Ruth Mancini is a new to me author, who I first read last year. I've now read three of her books and all have been well written with a strong story that is compelling with a good ending.

This last one 'One Dark, Two Light,' was an excellent read and I couldn't put it down. The main protagonist, Sarah Kellerman is  a criminal defense lawyer and mother of an autistic son, Ben, whose father Andy left when Ben was first born, because he couldn't cope with Ben's disability.
 She works hard and manages to juggle looking after Ben and her time consuming and intense legal career.  Andy arrives back on the scene and expects Sarah to fall back into their relationship and wants to resume seeing his son.

However Sarah has met someone else, a work colleague.. but wonders what has happened, because he seems not to want their relationship to continue, as he hasn't contacted her for several days. But then she learns he has been admitted to hospital and it is while visiting him, she sees someone else she knows... a police officer and its because of him she is drawn into a crime and the mystery that surrounds it. 
The story then revolves around Sarah's complicated personal life and the criminal case and actually connects in a believable manner.
This is a compelling, fascinating and indepth read and Sarah's character is beautifully and realistically developed. From start to finish an addictive read with plenty of mystery and deception.
I'd recommend this book as a great read and a real page turner.


Sunday, 2 March 2025

A Treat!

 St David's Day.

We made Welsh cakes, 4 are going  to be sent to my G/son whose birthday is Friday.. Dh made them with me giving instructions, while sitting in the kitchen, knitting the second sock for my  G/son to send  as well.

When I spoke to my daughter after his birthday last year, he complained to her, that he hadn't had a present from her and his Dad, but that I had sent him hand knitted socks! They had sent him money, but it is still nice to receive something through the post it seems, even when you're in your twenties!

The Welsh cakes are delicious..


8 oz SR Flour

4 oz Butter or marg

3 oz Castor Sugar

3 1/2 oz of Sultanas

1 mean Tsp nutmeg

Pinch of Salt

1 med Egg


Rub flour and  fat together till it looks like bread crumbs

Add salt, sugar, nutmeg and sultanas and mix together.

Make a well in mixture and drop in the egg

Folk together till it looks like a dough, if a little dry add a drop of milk.

Roll out to 1/4 inch thickness

Using a cake cutter, cut into rounds (makes about 15)

Bake on a lightly greased bakestone on low heat, if no bakestone, dry clean pan.

Cook on each side 3 mins or until pale brown, check frequently/

Place on cake wire to cool

Sprinkle with sugar

Ready to eat immediately!

I hope you enjoy them, we did!


Dydd Gwyl Dewi Hapus!

Saturday, 1 March 2025


 What did you think when you watched the TV news with Trump berating Zelenskii? I was flabbergasted that the President of America could be so rude to another President.. it was awful and if I was given a vote onto whose side I'd be, I'd chose Zelenskii every time.

CNN's Dana Bash was speechless while watching the shots of Trump's outburst, 'Never ever have I ever seen anything like this' she said.  While chief Anchor Christiane Amanpour, declared that, 'Never in the history of modern diplomacy, war,  peace, or whatever have I ever seen anything like it.; we just have to hope for the safety of the free world and the American people, for the European people and the Ukrainian people that these two  Presidents iron out their differences.'

Of course we ( the UK) are not siding with Trump who openly accused Ukraine of starting the war! Or are we?  I personally don't think Starmer can stand up to that bully Trump. He took a personal invitation from the King inviting Trump to visit... I'm saying .. no way I, one of  the everyday people would not want him here and I don't think I'd be alone in saying that.

What country would sign  a peace agreement and give a big chunk of its land to the invading country. It would be like the UK giving up Kent or American giving up a large piece of its West coast. 

Zelenskii is frighting for his country and needs help to defend his country from Russia, while Trump is saying that Putin is talking peace and Zelenskii still wants war!  Trump said that Zelenskii would start WW3 if he won't do a deal.. 

Its terrifying to think our world could be at war, because there's a mad man lacking intelligence, and the head of one of the most powerful countries in the world thinks he holds the reins!

I just hope and pray that Trump is just full of hot air, and like some will burst. I can imaging his followers watching his outburst, shouting him on encouraging him like boys fighting in the playground, egging their 'man' on.

Wake up the rest of our world and don't let that bully boy win!

Just had to get this off my chest!


Friday, 28 February 2025

Getting ready for summer

 It has been a super day today sunny and warm with a jacket!

(Porthcawl Wilderness)
Dh and I have been sowing some of the seeds, working  outside in the sunshine. We've used all 10 little covered seed trays for seeds that can be sown now, to germinate in heat. So one west facing window is full, we are delighted.
I've ordered another 10 trays, because we need them for veg. We only grow salads, beans, French and Runner, carrots and tomatoes. We have red cabbage and Sweet Heart cabbage already growing and garlic and shallots, and that's all we need. I'd bought some fertilizer to help, all on line as none available locally.  We're getting excited with the new season in the garden,  now looking very good. I've swept our patio ready for Dh to pressure wash it, as we have Dh's daughter, and husband and baby coming next month. Are you getting garden fever too and sowing and planting now?

I love sunny days in the garden, it wakes up my inner soul.
(Photos are from Friends of the Wilderness)


Wednesday, 26 February 2025

The Blues..


I look every day to see if spring is really here. On sunny days like yesterday I do feel excited..I so want the cold dull days gone! But even with the sun yesterday I didn't feel like doing any thing. I have TATT...Tired all the time!  I get up 3 times in the night for the toilet and although I go back to sleep, when I get up in the mornings, I'm tired and even after a shower I'm still bleary eyed.  

Yesterday we did have a plan, compost to get, fill up the car, bananas, peppers, mushrooms,  birthday cards and paracetamol, although,  we forgot honey.. So we were showered and on our way before 10.. First stop Costa for a coffee and my 'blue mood' went. Was it the sunshine? the coffee? no... and it was good... the SW Hi-fi bar? no!... altho it is a lovely chocolate taste, no. None of these, because sitting behind us were two ladies with the cutest dog, pretty little cream coloured, ball of fluff. She was absolutely gorgeous, snuffling around and looking up at me.  If she didn't have her mistress there, I'd have run off with her! I hardly spoke to Dh I was so busy watching that cutie.. we left there and my blues had gone..I remembered all the times we'd sat outside coffee shops with Nell, under their awnings getting cold, because they weren't dog friendly then.

We enjoyed Tesco. I found some super cards for the men in my life and we bought the bits we needed and came home to eat bacon and eggs and mushrooms. We cleaned the kitchen (me) the shower (Dh) and then he pushed the vac rround the lounge, I cant as the super duper vac Dh chose is too heavy for me! That is not an excuse, it really is.

So do I need  a dog, we have talked about getting another one, but decided at our age, we're too old.. and Dh worries that the Vet is not in our town, so what if we didn't have a car. So no dog for us, but it doesn't stop me talking to them, when we see them out, and remembering our Nell.


Monday, 24 February 2025

Best laid plans.....?

 I think it was John Lennon who said,  'Life is what happens, when you're busy making other plans.  And that's been me these last few days. 

I did not have a good slimming world food plan weekend, but from Monday I was determined to keep to the plan, I'd got used to having a biscuit with my mid afternoon cup of tea, so said to Dh ..'no more.'  And would you believe it, at the afternoon craft group I've joined, it was someone's birthday and she had made scones and flapjacks biscuits. To refuse would have been very rude, wouldn't it? So I had a flapjack. It was delicious with nuts and fruits, and I loved it, think I need the recipe! 

Saturday was so sunny and warm, I planned to sow some seeds yesterday in my little seed trays with lids. Lupins, Sweet peas and Zinnias that need heat, so I'd have the trays on our window sills.

Something I usually do outside as I get compost everywhere.. and it has poured down all day. So that put paid to that idea.. 

As its half term,  we don't have a Welsh Lesson today, which in some respects is good, because it will be a day for us to catch up on some 'extra' cleaning. The bits that aren't an every week task. We need to empty our little pantry. We have some free standing shelves in it and we really need to move one to the other side of the entrance. Then paint the walls, which were done when we moved in, but now need re-doing. Its going to be at least a 3 day job so we need to get started..  but then we had a message to remind us the Gardening Group we belong to is still on a Monday afternoon and doesn't change to Tuesday till next month.. more plans gone array! Can we face the kitchen worktops filled with tins and packets for days??

So dare we plan to do it Tuesday, although I remember Dh saying we need some compost and with Homebase closing, he'd seen some at a good price at B&M, so lets get a coffee at Costa by Dunelm and then go to B&M to get a few bags.. Tuesday?? 

Ah well Ce le Vie!


Sunday, 23 February 2025

Spring, is it here?

 This wasn't my planned post for today, but our crocus in our front little lawn were so beautiful, Dh had to take photographs.

All planted 3 years ago and they seem to have multiplied.

Very pretty and the view from our kitchen window. 
A joy to see and yesterday was a lovely sunshiny day.
A real spring day.
I had a good walk round the back garden, peering at the new green growth, just checking if plants have survived the winter. 
My Sea Holly is not looking good, but I hopeful it will pick up and there's going to be a fantastic show of Aquilegia, which have self seeded all over the garden. I'm hoping for more warm days, it was 12°C, warm enough to sit outside in the sun for a cup of tea in just a cardigan.


Saturday, 22 February 2025

Emotions spilling over!

 I've always followed certain programmes, be it radio or Tv with a loyalty, that gets right into the story.. when I was a young wife and mother many years ago, my then husband was in the Merchant Navy, so I spent a lot of time alone. I listened to Mrs Dales' Diaries and The Archers.

So on one occasion when he asked how things had been, when he had been away, I said I'd had an awful week, because Jim, Mrs Dales husband had had a heart attack, and a character in the Archers had died. I was really upset about them. When John Archer was killed in a tractor accident, in the episode of his funeral, I was driving to visit my daughter, and because I was crying so hard I had to stop in a layby, to recover.

So this week in Eastenders' live performance of the explosion in the Vic (The Queen Victoria Pub) with Martin and Stacey trapped in the rubble.. then declaring their love for each other, it was all very teary, the actors and me. Even Dh had a few sniffs! Martin was trapped under a heavy beam, we were fearing he'd be paralyzed for life, but no, his crush injury caused a fatal heart attack, and shock horror he died!

How could the script writers do that??? He was main key character, I was devastated and loyal Eastender fans like me are very, very upset.

But while all that was going on, Sonia was giving birth in the rubble, that was the kitchen with her sister Bianca and Cousin Lauren. There were some hilarious line liners as the two tried to help Sonia delver In fact I'd be more than happy to watch it again on iplayer.. 

The episode ended with Stacey's scream that could be heard out in the square with Martin's death.

Not a fan? Well you're missing a treat! 


Friday, 21 February 2025

What's going to happen?

 If like me you've studied History, todays news about Trump, Putin and Ukraine then the 1938 Appeasement between the British Isles and Germany will leap out at you.

It was a foreign policy of pacifying an aggrieved country through  negotiations to prevent war. Britain's failed policy against Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany, resulted in no action was taken and Britain sought to accommodate Italy's invasion of Ethiopia in 1935 and took no action when Germany absorbed Austria in 1938. When Hitler prepared to annex ethnically German portions of Czechoslovakia, Chamberlain, our then,  Prime minister negotiated the notorious Munich Agreement.. which permitted Germany to the annexation of Sudetenland in Western Czechoslovakia. Then the Czech Government were asked to cede the Sudetenland to Germany.  Sound familiar? There was even a meeting of the main European countries, but not including Czechoslovakia, to come to some sort of agreement which was reached on Hitlers terms!

Much of Europe celebrated the Munich Agreement, but it came to be known as a byword for the futility of appeasing expansionist  totalitarian states.

The one thing in our favour is Trump doesn't like Starmer so I'm hoping if we Britain have to take sides, we group with Australia, New Zealand and Canada.. together we'd be stronger than Europe.

My heart goes out to the people of Ukraine and President Zelensky, who America has told 'to tune down his words!'  I just can't believe what's being said.. he said he's KING, who's he kidding???


Wednesday, 19 February 2025

A Holiday Read


I choose books for various reasons, recommended to me, read about it on someone's blog, seen reports about it in the media or an author I know. This book had all these but I nearly gave up on it.
Two families, the Londoners,  who have holiday homes in the West Country. Their homes are right by each other in a cliff top region, where the beach is just a stones throw away. 
Idyllic?? It should have been but there was trouble in paradise.. the locals objected to the fact, these holiday homes were empty for the greater part of the year, while local people couldn't afford to buy a property there.
I had to re-read the first few chapters, because there were so many names to take in, the two sets of parents, their children and the children's partners and then there were the locals who were actively making their lives very difficult (NJFA=Not just for August) 
But I carried on and there was a lot more than locals throwing tomato soup at the arriving cars and sticking up posters, the holidaying families themselves had problems and when there was a murder, everyone was a suspect.
Lots of happenings, deceit and jealousy, in fighting, the simmering of ever increasing tension between the Londoners themselves, kept me turning the pages.
Worth a read.. I liked the way each chapter was a character's story.
Twists and turns and an ending I would never have guessed... Try it for yourself, the author Louise Candlish is one of my fabourite  authours          


Tuesday, 18 February 2025

Salmon on Croute.

 (This a Waitrose recipe)

500 g Leeks
150 g pack Boursin garlic and Herbs
320 g Pack Jus roll Puff Pastry
500 pack Scottish Salmon


Wash leeks and trim.
Slice leeks thinly and place in a pan with 2 tbl sp. water.
Cover and cook slowly over medium heat for 8 to10 mins.
Stir in Boursin Cheese 
Leave to cool

Pre heat oven 200C or gas 6
Unroll pastry onto a baking sheet.
Skin the salmon and place on baking sheet, leaving 2 to 3 cm border.
Spoon leek and cheese mixture and spread over salmon, just on one side.
Wet edges with water (or egg if you want)
Fold over pastry and press edges together, trim off edges to neaten.
Make a small hole to allow steam to escape.
Bake for 30 to 35 mins until golden or cooked through.
Allow to rest, then cut into slices.

I'd serve this with new potatoes and green salad with an oil dressing.
Or if you're being good, just a large green salad, made up of.

.... shredded lettuce, slices of pickled cucumber with ginger, cold cooked peas and water cress.


Monday, 17 February 2025

None so strange as folk!

 In the past whenever  I've seen an episode of 'Long Lost Family' I used to long for a sister perhaps out there, waiting for me to meet. However not these days, because a cousin with whom I hadn't had any contact for years, decided she wanted to play 'happy families,' and got in touch. It was to tell us that her mother, my mother's sister had died. They all hadn't spoken to me for over 20 years, It was all to do with the house, where I grew up here in Porthcawl. My aunt had given it to me, and when they discovered this, they thought they should have a share. They had lived in the house in the late 40s, but moved from there in 1950, so I wondered why they thought the house was part theirs. Anyway I went to the funeral, sad, because I did love her mum and had stayed with them when I was a child.

But from that meeting, my cousin invited herself to stay.. She had stayed before the 'break' when my daughter got married, in the big detached 4 bedroomed house I bought after my divorce. So staying in my little three bedroom semi, which I loved, brought various comments about it being very small. But the size didn't stop her inviting herself again, so she could come with us to  a Christmas concert in London. And we were then invited to stay with her in her new large converted barn. Gosh were we cold, it was freezing there, because the main living room had a wood burning fire and no other heating in that room. Never again I said to Dh, as we drove away.

She pushed and pushed to stay with us in Suffolk, and our large Victorian Villa, met with her approval! So when I said we were moving from it, she couldn't understand. But Suffolk was lonely and lockdown had brought home to us we were 'townies!'

She has pushed to stay here and I've said no, always saying we were having building work, or something doing. She did phone and I answered, it was one long moan about how she missed visiting Porthcawl, especially, as I had sold the house where I grew up and she had stayed so many times and enjoyed holidays there. . I couldn't afford the upkeep of the two houses  and although I didn't really want to sell, someone had to pick up the costs of my daughter's wedding and her father didn't even offer to pay for any part of it.

So if a long lost sister did turn up, she could turn out like my cousin, pushy, over bearing and a snob! And I wouldn't like that. Its strange because she and her husband (but now divorced) always gave the impression of being well off, while I worked to keep a roof over me and helped with Uni costs for my children. She had the income from her parents house and said she said a good settlement from her divorce..but now pleads only just enough money to live. 

So I don't want a long lost relative to be found, unless like me they don't think it strange to turn up to visit, with a home made cake, a pot of home made marmalade and a rooted snippet of a favourite plant from my garden, rather than a bottle of wine and an ornament!

I hardly drink these days, nothing worse than alcohol for an iffy bladder and ornaments to me = stuff!


Sunday, 16 February 2025

What generation were you?

 I was the generation who walked to school in all weathers.

I was the generation who did my homework as quickly as poss. to play outside.  

I was the generation who played hide and seek in the dark.   

I was the generation who made mud pies and daisy chains and believed if you picked a dandelion, you wet your pants!

I was the generation who played kiss chase with the boys, although nobody got kissed, we just ran about screaming!

 I was the generation who played marbles, and yoyos

 I was the generation that loved one penny sweets and fizzy pop.  

I was the generation that collected photos, cards and scrap books and had a stamp Album.

 I was the generation who made paper toys with my own hands.                                                

I was the generation who coloured in pictures, when it was too wet to play outside.

 I  was the generation who knocked for friends to come out to play and played outside all day.

I was the generation who played cowboys and Indians, Germans and the English and Robin Hood and Maid Marion.

I was the generation who rode my bike with friends for miles and miles.

I was the generation who went to sleep, after sneakily reading under the bedclothes with a torch.

I was the generation who did as I was told.. well maybe but not always... what did you do?


Saturday, 15 February 2025

Cheese cake? No!

 Since Christmas our SW group has doubled with a whole lot of new members, trying to get rid of their Christmas 'exra eats' me too!

We try to get there early, otherwise we have to wait ages to get weighed and as we eat our little one slice of bread, a sandwich, of butter and marmalade, after we're weighed our tums are screaming! So we try to leave the house about 9 , which means we get there round about 10 minutes past.. But oh my, was it cold yesterday morning, the car thermometer said 2C and it was bitter. A cold wind with icy rain drops was horrible. As I trundled along the path to the scout hut with my wheels, I was moaning to Dh, 'why are we doing this?' I had on a winter dress, but not a thick one and although I was wearing a half slip under it, it is so thin, its like gossamer! My thicker one weighs 12 oz which is practically a pound so I can't wear that one! One young girl had on just a spaghetti strap top with her leggings! Brrrr

And after all that what did I lose?? Half a pound, is that all I said! Ah well its a new week, and our planned Valentine's meal was steak, baked potato and a huge green salad, so on plan...but yes I did have ice  cream after it, but it could have been a lemon full fat cheese cake, but we resisted and made do with just ice cream, which was delicious..and tomorrow it's the start of a new week!


Friday, 14 February 2025

No change, but I wanted new!


Because I haven't been sleeping well,  two nights awake for hours and then up three times to the loo on other nights, yesterday morning when I woke just after 7:30 I went to the loo and then back under the duvet and slept another couple of hours, I was so tired.
 By the time I'd showered it was coffee time, I only ate half my lunch because I wasn't hungry. We then rushed off to town because our eye tests were booked.
After  last years fiasco when the optician, who I'd used since moving here, failed to order the new lenses and were very snooty when I said in exasperation, ok I'll have my £400 back. I, then had disaster with a well known national eye shop where the vari -focals just didn't work. I could not see properly with them, so took them back and had just reading glasses lenses.

So yesterday we went to another optician. She was very nice, thorough and said my eyes hadn't changed that much, the cataracts were still very small, and the Macular Degenerative condition of my left eye was very little and shouldn't cause me any bother. So no need for new lenses, I was a bit disappointed because I wanted new! She suggested I have another test 6 months time if I want.  So I might do that because I really fancied some red frames!
While Dh was having his eyes tested, I chatted to the two young ladies, because I remembered that shop when it was Hawkins Toy shop. It had a fire there in the sixties and the news reporter  writing about it had said, there were children watching the fire burning the teddies and dolls in great distress! True? I have no idea.
It was bitterly cold out and the wind off the sea sweeping into the main street was cutting, almost like ice crystals in it. We were glad to get home and into the warm and I ate the rest of my lunch!


Thursday, 13 February 2025


There are so many horrible films on TV that I find upsetting, so if there's been something on I don't like, we watch an episode of The Gilmore Girls before bed time.
It sort of helps me to sleep because I can think about that, rather than my mind whirring round and round saving the world from horrible things;  or me counting backwards in threes from a 100 or saying the alphabet backwards!

Usually these don't work so after nearly an hour of not sleeping I read...I read until my eyes start to close. And like the Gilmore Girls it has to be a 'nice' book, no murders or scary stuff.
I often had my dog and cat with me on the bed, before I met Dh, just to frighten off the 'badies'
(Not Nell, whose birth date was 8th January she would have been 16) 
My dog then was Mari, a miniature poodle, I loved her so much when she died I took two days off work, I cried so much. She was a baby I didn't have.

Anyway if you've never watched The Gilmore Girls, its worth watching for a really good.... feel good factor. 


Wednesday, 12 February 2025

Are we warmer?


I don't know about you, but spring can't come quick enough for me. We went out yesterday morning and at 4C it was cold, it wasn't raining but there was that 'air rain' as I call it. I took my new bright red umbrella, that Dh bought for my birthday, I haven't used it yet. I don't like going out in rain as it's horrible for my arthritis and also, when you've paid £27 for a blow dry hair appointment, you avoid getting it wet!

I love all spring flowers especially daffodils, they're so bright a colour and of course are the Emblem of Wales. I used to wear one as a teacher on St David's Day, over the years.

I've always grown them in my garden where ever I've lived. So I used to watch them in my garden willing them to flower before March 1st,  St David's day.. but they never did until about 20 years ago, so I always had to buy some, to wear one to work!  Now my garden has them flowering freely at the beginning of February, so you can't tell me there isn't Global warming. 
 There is 3.5 minutes of day light each day, that's nearly 25 mins each week... roll on spring I'm waiting for you!


Tuesday, 11 February 2025

New chocolately, creamy and gooey!


I'm not a great chocolate eater, ice cream is my downfall, but I wouldn't say no to a Creme Egg.  My youngest son loved Terry's Chocolate Orange and it was something I bought him every Christmas, even as an adult. It is regarded as a Christmas item, but to get into the Easter trade Terry's has brought out a dark chocolate egg with orange creme filling!


Terry has even suggested the gooey creamy centre is even better when left at room temperature, or if hidden in a pocket, if hiding it from others! Who'd do that??

A shopper who has tried it, has described it as lovely truffle orange cream, with a crisp dark chocolate surround.

Sounds good enough for even me to eat!


Monday, 10 February 2025

Are dreams real, what do you think?

 I don't usually remember dreams but last night's was very vivid.. I dreamt we'd moved  house, Dh's worst nightmare. He has said never again.. yes it was hard moving here and the extra cost was a surprise, especially the removal firm... but I think maybe we might, who knows?  

I've watched a few of Kate Humbles TV programmes where city people moved out into the country side, for a 'better' life, with reduced costs. They've had to work extremely hard to make a living there. But that wasn't the hardest part; the hardest part was when lockdown hit and the women mostly, were hit by immense loneliness.  And that was me when we moved to Suffolk. Although I had Dh and we were comfortable in a super house, I was overcome by anxiety and loneliness. 

I wanted to move back to Billericay, where I knew people, the area, the surrounding towns and my church, I had lived there for 44 years. Of course we didn't and tried to settle there. But I couldn't, I was suffering from insomnia, I was anxious and some days I was very, very down. 

Then I thought of moving here, my home town, the town where I was born. It wasn't easy, as it was still lockdown and although we had buyers for our Suffolk house, there was a hold up with them getting  a mortgage. By the time it was in place, the only bungalow left for sale was this one. It needed everything doing to it, so this is practically a new bungalow with new everything and  now it suits us very nicely.

So why  am I dreaming about moving? I do look up houses for sale all the time, I just like to know. And recently my daughter has moved house, so perhaps it is dwelling on my mind. But we are not moving or even thinking about it. In my dream the house we moved to was awful with an awful garden! So definitely a no no! Thank goodness it was only a dream, the garden was really, really awful! 

Some some lovely honeysuckle we planted last summer.


Sunday, 9 February 2025

10 Commandments for older people.

1.Talk to yourself, sometimes you need good advice.

2. 'In style'  means clothes that still fit.

3. You don't need anger management, you just need people to stop irritating you.

4. Your people skills are just fine, its your tolerance for idiots that need work.

5. The biggest lie you tell yourself is..'I don't need to write that down, I'll remember it.'

6. On time is when you get there.

7. You've noticed people your age are much older than you.

8. Aging has slowed you down, but not shut you up.

9. You still haven't learnt to act your age and I hope you never will.

10. 'One for the road,' meaning peeing before you leave the house.

Hope these give you a laugh!!


Saturday, 8 February 2025

A monument or a dangeroue building?

 72 People lost their lives in 2017 when this building went up in flames

The tragedy of Grenfell is going to in our minds for many more years. However it has been decided to dismantle the remains, as it is considered to be in a dangerous condition. In a meeting with some of the grieving relatives and Angela Rayner (Deputy PM) erupted into a shambles, when she announced that it was to be dismantled. She was hurriedly escorted out of the meeting through a back door.. The grieving relatives said they hadn't  been consulted.
A difficult situation, I didn't lose anyone in that dreadful fire but I am now old enough not to place emotions on 'things' anymore.

I don't think grieving ever goes away, I grieve for my mother who died, when I was only two and somedays it seems very real and my eyes leak, but a while ago I gave away somethings that were hers, a pair of jugs. They were very pretty with blue birds on them, once they were like a link to her, the person I never knew, but one day it came to me, they were just 'stuff.'

I thought hard about this building, it doesn't hold the bodies, so not a last resting place, so why do those people want to keep it?
We think this bungalow was built 1930, the Victorian house we sold in Suffolk was built 1887, so there is a good chance people have died in them. But I don't think any one objected to them changing owners, or that they were special in any way, or a monument to those who died there.
But perhaps like me and the jugs, these people need to come to the decision to let the building go in their own time.
What do you think, should they demolish?
the damaged Grenfell building 

Friday, 7 February 2025

Sunshine and spring and a Dirty word!

 We have lots of signs of spring and yesterday the sun shone.

It made me feel so much better and altho I didn't have a good night, I didn't rush around in the morning.. and I actually went to the U3a craft group in the afternoon and chatting and laughing with the other women,  did me good. One of the ladies there was cross stitching and would welcome some cross stitch materials, so I can give her the rest I have left. 
I knitted the socks I'm doing for my grandson's birthday next month.  So a pleasant afternoon. Dh went for a long awaited hair cut, he has a lot of hair of which he is really proud, so the hair dresser is a rare visit and a 'dirty' word!!


Thursday, 6 February 2025

PS. A Way of Life but with fun!

 Slimming World meetings can be really boring, if all the consultant does, is just go through each member's weekly efforts one after another, without a laugh and believe me it is boring, I've sat through a few...but our consultant is very animated and full of fun. And so is our Friday morning group members, we're always laughing.

Yesterday in town, we met Fred, who hasn't been coming for a few weeks and we had a good laugh remembering his weighing 'incident.' Most people remove extra bits of clothing before stepping on the scales, some young girls strip to strappy tops even in winter! That week Fred took off his shoes, watch and a leather belt. He stepped onto the scales and his trousers dropped.. those of us who were watching burst into laughter and soon the whole hall was laughing very loudly, he did have on boxer shorts, so was decent..meeting him yesterday, we were laughing remembering it in the middle of town.

Fred asked about other members, especially one younger man, who comes every week with his dog.. Just before Christmas he got to target and our consultant asked him, was there anything different now he was at his target weight.  What he disclosed had us all hysterical with laughter , it seems that when he is in the shower, now he's lost his big belly, when he looks down he can see his 'willy.'  It was difficult for our consultant to stop us all laughing. Of course now Dh and I know him as 'willy man' 

It's good to laugh and on a frosty cold Friday morning you need some fun!


Wednesday, 5 February 2025


 Sad to read that Margaret Miles-Bramwell died this week, the founder of Slimming World, which she started in 1969. The original plan was based loosely on the Hay Diet, which was not eating hay, but separating protein and carbohydrates and eating them at different times.

These days the plan is more leaning to no carbs in some meals and a good serving of protein and healthy eating with some exercise.. it works but only if you keep to it!

When I was living in Coventry, when Dh and I were first married, I used to go to SW meetings with another member, who lived near. Each week if I only lost half a pound, she used to say..'Chipping away at it Chris and paying for Margaret's yacht in the Med!'

We all lost weight as I cooked SW food plan, and Dh's twin 16 yr old daughters dropped  jean size!
I'm still following the plan with some good weeks and some not so good but I carry on, its a way of life now.#


Tuesday, 4 February 2025

A cheer up

Our front garden is an odd shape, and small, so we haven't done a lot with it except treat the moss filled grass, and we've planted  an early flowering cherry tree, which has white single blooms, but not yet! Annoyingly, because I strongly stipulated 'early'  when I bought it. I had one in Suffolk that started flowering before Christmas. I couldn't remember its name and it had  lost its label, so had to rely on the garden centre seller.
And we planted daffodils just inside the small wall which borders the grass. They are in bud and we should have flowers soon, all 725! As well as those we do have crocus showing too, planted in the grass.. all purple but we planted all colours, so do they all revert to pale purple over the years? Does any one know?

I am feeling a little bit better, because I've seen another Dr who listened to me and has prescribed a stronger antibiotic.. still not fully ok but not like it was. Thank you all for your kind words.
I'll be visiting your blogs this week, I've a lot to catch up on.


Monday, 3 February 2025

Whats it all about?

 I'm trying to think these thoughts but it has not been easy. 

I seem to have lost 4 days, I've taken so many  tablets its a wonder I'm not rattling as I walk about, although I haven't been out. When your bladder is iffy you don't go far from a toilet. I haven't got the awful pain but I'm still going to the toilet frequently. But I have been able to sleep a couple of nights in 4 hour stretches.. 
The town toilets are still being commandeered by some homeless people, three at the last count. All,  it seems have been offered places in hostels, but haven't accepted them. Some people suggest they refuse, because the rules would be... no drink or drugs.

So I'm battling on and peeing +++ all the time.. I did phone the pharmacy and her advice was to give the antibiotic chance to work. Personally I think, it either wasn't the right one or not strong enough. 
So may be I'll try to see or speak to a Dr after the weekend.
Thank you again for kind comments and prayers.


Wednesday, 29 January 2025

Yesterday!! What a day!

 Yesterday was not my best day.. we were up washed, dressed and on our way before 8:00 am! My appointment was for 8:30 at the hospital. The nurse explained what was to happen, I was to have the catheter out and go home, and to come back at 3:00 pm to be  checked and a bladder scan to check how well my bladder was emptying and I was given a fluid chart to fill in. Any problems, ie I couldn't wee to go back there right away. I did ask what was the chance I couldn't wee and she said 50/ 50! That did not fill me with confidence.

It really hurt having the catheter out, it never had before! We were home before 9 ! And I did wee a little, which was a relief.. but then the worst happened, horrible, horrible pain! Just like it was when I went to to the Emergency Dept in the middle of the night in November, because I could not wee! It was awful.. fortunately I had been given some Fosfomycin, a strong anti biotic, by my own Dr back in November when I first had the catheter, for just in case!  However even with that and pain killers I had a miserable 10 hours, in pain and weeing every 20 mins.. At the follow appointment at 3:00 pm another nurse just said it would be ok with the Fosfomycin and the bladder scan showed my bladder was emptying properly! 

So a horrendous very painful afternoon and evening till 1:30am when I eventually went to sleep.. woke about 5 I was able to wee with slight discomfort and then slept till 8

Feeling very weak this morning, but I survived.. thank you for the kind thoughts and prays yesterday, prayer got me through.

I'm having some easy days, keeping warm and drinking water!


Tuesday, 28 January 2025

The day has arrived!

 We haven't had the storms like some parts of the country but we have had some very wet and windy days.

Saturday was bright and sunny but cold. We did manage a walk on the prom in the afternoon, so did  a lot of other people and their dogs, all nicely cosy in very colourful dog coats, doesn't this one take the 'biscuit?' 

I speak to all the dogs as we walk along!  It was cold, but I was well dressed with my warm wool cardigan, my wool dress, scarf and gloves and wind proof coat.. the scarf is a very colourful knitted one, but not by me, but by 'Mr Next!!' 
We resisted an ice cream; you might think ice cream on a cold day?? But ice cream eaters can eat it any time, any day! But we did have a coffee from Booths pavement cafe, sitting in the car watching the sea crashing over the rocks. 

Sunday it was wet and very windy, so once again our windows have a thin film of sand on them.. but they can wait for the window cleaner, who is away in Florida, Disney land! He was telling us he takes his family there every January.

We did have a worrying time when there was a power cut, which lasted for over an hour. Dh checked all our electrics but it wasn't just us, as we  could hear house alarms all blaring very loudly outside.. I was concerned as our gas central heating needs electricity to work.. such a relief when it all clicked back on.
Yesterday was very pleasant and after our Welsh Lesson we went out for a Cheese n Ham toastie and coffee and then to the food warehouse to buy some SW meals. Nice to have for those evenings when you don't feel like cooking.
So starting our new week on the SW Food Plan, I did say good bye to 3 pounds last week.

But today the day has arrived to have this catheter removed.. then there is the trial to see if my bladder will work! I'm worried sick, I've slept fitfully?, waking up off and on through the night. It's not the worry of having another catheter, altho I really don't want that, but the pain of not being able to pass urine. Its excruciating, I don't think I can go through that again, so praying hard!


Monday, 27 January 2025

TIPS to Stop feeling bad about your body

1.Remind yourself that nobody notices things you obsess over.

2. Wear clothes that make you feel  comfortable and confident.

3.Stop comparing yourself to other people.

4.Practise positive self-talk daily.

5. Surround yourself with positive people.

6. Focus on what your body can do, not just how it looks.

7. Avoid negative self-talk, especially around food and exercise.

8. Remember everyone has insecurities.

9. Remember to celebrate small wins in your confidence journey.

10. Practise mindfulness and gratitude.

11. Set boundaries on people who comment on your body

12. Remember that confidence is a practice not a switch!

I must take these on board myself!


Sunday, 26 January 2025

The most awful of crimes

 So now there's going to be an enquiry as to why young men like Axel Rudakubana aren't dealt with at an earlier age.. yet another enquiry?? He armed himself with a kitchen knife and attacked and killed three beautiful little girls, Bebe, Alice and Elsie and attempted to knife more, injuring two adults and eight other children. 

In summing up the Judge, having given Axel 52 years imprisonment, said that he wouldn't disagree with people, who had branded Axel as evil. In fact he would have given him a life sentence, but under British law for under 18s this wasn't allowed as Axil was 17, when he committed  these violent killings.

The court heard that Axel had been referred to the Government counter terrorist scheme, 'Prevent' three times in the past when he had made violent threats and for carrying a knife. So he was known as a threat to society.

Some people are saying 'Bring back hanging,' but others myself included  are of the opinion that 52 years incarceration would be a punishment indeed. 

Child killers are not treated well in prison. He'd have to be aware of other prisoners, when he is allowed to mix with them. So one can imagine, he'd be in solitary confinement for years.  No contact, no phone, no internet, only his own thoughts. I wonder does he have a conscience, will he feel sorry for the lives he has taken?

Its all very well the Prime Minister saying there will be investigations  as to how Axel was able to buy a knife on line.  But what about the other things that brought Axel to the point in his life, when to kill was his ultimate aim? What was he like in school? We know he expelled from High  School in 2019, so age 12?  And was referred to a pupil referral unit, but failed to attend, so wasn't in the Education System for a large part of his education. What ever people may think about our education system, the one thing it does do, is give a child a routine and even if the child does not achieve great Exam scores. they have the comfort pf planned days and somewhere to go! And even some pupils, who say they don't like school,  arrive in school every day!

I've taught in Key Stage I and 2, schools, so ages 5 to 11, where when asked by OFSTED Examiners, what did a child like about school, there were various answers... 

Likes were....Playtimes, games lessons, PE, when it was apparatus, painting lessons, the dinner, and a particular teacher. What they didn't like ... the toilets!! And the dinners!  I wonder what Axel might have said. 

His parents are said to be christians with a small c  rather than Muslim etc.. So what went wrong? Were they like some parents that I met, who admitted at a Parents Evening discussion, 'that they couldn't do anything with him or her!' 

Such an awful horrible crime, but we'll be ok because Starmer says, there's going to be a Government Enquiry!! And the parents of these lovely little girls are grieving. I can't imagine what they're going through.


Saturday, 25 January 2025

Am too childish??

While chatting to a friend recently, we mentioned Christmas TV programmes.. and it made me feel like I wasn't living the life of an adult! She hadn't watched any of these, not even one!

Or am I boring because I watched ' The Railway Children,' filmed 1970 again,  and yes I chocked up again when Bobbie, Jenny Agutter, ran towards her father shouting, 'Daddy, my Daddy,' when he arrived off the train.. who didn't?

Then, I also watched, 'The Railway Children Return.' 2022. This one was set during WW2 and the children were evacuees. Jenny Agutter was cast as a grand mother of three children and takes the last three evacuees, a sister and her two brothers to live with her too. Of course the Train Station features in this film too, altho the main gist of the story is that of a young soldier, who had run away. Jenny Agutter made history by playing the same character 54 years apart! I loved this film too, and the all the children were amazing actors,..

But then I also watched,  'The Primrose Railway Children'  2024.  A story loosely based on the original Railway Children written by Jacqueline Wilson. This was a wonderful film, a modern take, but with all the heart of the original story. I absolutely loved it. The story is about Phoebe, Becks and younger brother Perry and their Mum, up rooted from their comfortable Glasgow life, to the rugged hills of a remote area of Scotland. They are there, when their Dad goes to Japan on a mysterious business trip. Their mum says its a holiday, but it's in a ramshackle old cottage in the Scottish Highlands, with no TV, no wifi and she says 'Its a holiday??' The children try to figure out what actually happened and what is the mystery.
Yes,, a children's  story, but very good. I think I'm living the childhood I never had (no TV when I was young) 
And if this isn't the cherry on the cake. I also watched the BBC film of The Famous Five'. Julian, George, Anne, Dick and Timmy the dog,.. the books now superseded by books by J K Rowlings, Antony Horowitz and Malorie Blackman.. 

Enid Blyton was looked down on by educationalists for years, but I grew up with them and read them all. Probably to the child of today, the Famous Five books would seem boring and stuffy middle class stories, of the 1940s  and 1950s.
But I got lost in those books and I wouldn't read  Harry Potter even if you paid me!! Although I might be tempted, if I was stuck on a desert island and there was nothing else to read, because I once read a spy thriller book left on a plane, as I had run out of  books.. (Before I  had a kindle)  

Although I think someone should have told J K R, that sometimes one or two words are enough, rather than seven!


The video is The 'Primrose Railway Children'

Friday, 24 January 2025

This makes me laugh!


I never drove in my 'jamas' but I did have my children in theirs, when I drove my ex to the train station early some morning.
Interestingly I did see other wives in dressing gowns and always gave them a wave.
It always reminded me of my aunt who lived in the Midlands and visited Porthcawl frequently. The one year when driving home, their car broke down. She was as usual dressed for comfort and was wearing slippers, so had to root around in their bags, as they  had to travel home on a train. So this was always in my mind and dressed 'proper' even for the shortest journeys. 
Although there was an occasion when driving to work one morning, I was stopped at some traffic lights when the woman in the car along side me was making sweeping motions over her head and  then pointing to me. I raised up my hand to the top of my head and on my crown was a large hair roller, taming the bit of hair which always stuck up! 
I probably would have found it before I entered the classroom, but I did go hot and cold thinking about it later!
Do you make sure you're 'tidy' when you're in your car?
