Saturday 23 September 2023

It's arrived!

 It's Saturday and its happened! I opened the French doors this morning for Nell to pop out and there it was the first chill of Autumn! I hate that feeling but have to admit that some days in June and July were scorchio! And flowers dried up before their buds opened.

But here we are with late summer blooms.

I take cuttings and plant seeds even without a greenhouse. This bungalow has south and west facing windows, so ideal for seed sowing. 

But today we're tidying up the flower beds after the rain, because suddenly everything has grown. Lots of plants self seeded, but they are towering above the others. And the weeds are gigantic, but easy to pull out as the ground is soft after the rain.
We've picked all the green tomatoes, they're not going to ripen outside now.
But hopefully the grapes will. I've trimmed off the leaves and as they're south west facing, trained up our pergola so they should ripen.
I grow rudbeckia every year altho' this year with the rain a few weeks ago, they grew very tall and then the winds of last weekend, they fell over.

Dahlias give such a beautiful show and these are my favourites this year.

And a peak at our new patio. I had it laid with the zig zag edges and we have already planted trees and shrubs in our new fence border!
It's very white and I do like it after the hassle of having it laid!

So in a few weeks time I'll be putting the dahlias and pelargoniums in store for the winter, in the garage. Then I'll be planting some new spring bulbs, so exciting times to come.
Gardens are life giving and my happy place!



Elizabethd said...

I am beginning to plant bulbs now. Everything else has finished in the garden. except for a few very late roses.

Sal said...

Like you, I felt the first chill of autumn yesterday and went in search of a jumper. However, I’m also amazed at how the summer colour in the garden, continues, and I’ve roses coming into bloom again. I’m a keen ‘dead-header’ and I’m sure that it pays off!
Taking cuttings and sowing seeds also give me such pleasure! And my new tulip bulbs arrived yesterday…too soon to plant them but nevertheless, exciting! Enjoy your autumn garden!😁

Poppypatchwork said...

I'm glad you like your garden after the struggles you had with the work being done.

Joy said...

Your garden is so lovely. Some new spring bulbs sounds like a very good idea - must ponder that one. xx

Latane Barton said...

I love all your fall blossoms. I just have house plants in my apartment. I can brag on an african violet which is in bloom but that's all I have.