First a thank you to Amy for allowing me to join in..
My first Five things are because of my present predicament. On
the 14th April 2015 I tripped over ‘nothing?’ and broke my humerus
bone in my right arm. I am right handed, so my five things are some very simple
basic actions you can’t do with just one arm/hand. Of course there is no driving, stitching,
knitting, crochet, or sewing. No cooking, or housework except dusting, no
lifting, no gardening. I can’t even steer the vacuum with just my left hand,
make up a bed or do the washing except I can load the machine but can’t lift
the washing basket. I can load and unload the dishwasher. And I can swish round
the bathroom but have problems pulling on a rubber glove onto my left hand.
So my DH literary does
everything! He is my ‘Superman!’
Until you can’t do these things you don’t know how you just
took it all for granted.
Each morning you can hear me call to DH down
stairs, ‘I‘m ready for my bra please’… because You can’t do up a bra with one
hand. I didn’t wear one for 12 weeks and now my DH does it for me.
2. The ignominy of one handedness is …… You can’t
push off and pull up knickers, much too painful to use my broken arm . One of
the first times I decided to wear a pair, I struggled to get them up, swore (I am
afraid to admit) .. and then??? Tears of frustration as they were on back to
front. Screams that frightened the dog, foot stamping and more tears. DH
arrived in the bedroom and quietly and calmly pulled them off and I stepped into
them and in a trice my personal bits were covered! So now I still go without in
the house and have only just started wearing them in the last four weeks when
we go out.
3. The
frustration when you can’t undo tops on bottles and jars, so my DH obliges. So
there is no sneaking into the peanut butter when I am in the kitchen. It’s DH’s
as officially I am not supposed to like it, but I tasted it once and yum yum!!
4. It’s all
very well being able to use your left hand but you don’t feel you clean your
teeth properly. There is an awkwardness, so I have changed my toothpaste to one
that contains bicarb. Tastes horrible, but with my electric toothbrush it’s a
lot better and my teeth feel clean.
5. And you
could starve!!! Fat chance of that!
LOL…. Because You can’t cut up your food, DH cuts the meat and I struggle with
the veg, but I use a spoon for things like rice and other foods, because otherwise
I drop bits of food! And as for chasing those last bits of food around your
plate, I give up and eat Indian style (with my fingers!)
It’s not just awkward using my left hand but
trying to
use my right arm is still painful 16weeks on.
use my right arm is still painful 16weeks on.
There is one benefit to all this, my finger
nails are
spectacular and last weekend I went for a manicure
and had them painted a orangey-pink, they look
amazing, well I think they do. My right hand is swollen
and this too prevents me stitching as I cant hold a
spectacular and last weekend I went for a manicure
and had them painted a orangey-pink, they look
amazing, well I think they do. My right hand is swollen
and this too prevents me stitching as I cant hold a
I hope you have found my Five things of interest and perhaps funny, but I hope in a month or so time I will have use of my right arm again, I have missed it so much.
Watch out for Five on Friday to start again in September.

Oh poor thing, Chris. I hate that so much for you. By the way, your nails looks beautiful. I love that pinky orange or orangey pink which ever way it is.
Oh dear, it is good that your husband helps with things you can't do:) I know you will be happy to get the use of your arm back! Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!
Thought provoking...but yes really did make me smile. Hope it mends soon and are able to get back to sneaking the peanut butter.
Good morning...I completely agree with you on every single point! And you can add that personal cleanliness is difficult at best! You can't wash it if you can't reach it! LOL I had carpal tunnel surgery on both hands, four weeks apart. Left hand? I did okay. No stitching, couldn't hold the fabric, but right hand? Oh. My. Goodness. My husband cooked for the first few days. After canned soup for the third day in a row, I told him I would somehow work my way through it...
Hang in there, pretty soon you will be able to do all your favorite things again...have a great day!
I do understand. Also being right handed and having my current issues with my hand it can be so frustrating just trying to do the everyday basics never mind stitching! Hope things get back to normal for both of us
Bless your heart...well, girlfriend, just enjoy the fact that you have such an amazing and loving hubby to help you thru this hard time. are right...your nails DO look amazing.....
Thank God for your wonderful husband. ♥
I know just how you feel, Chris! With my ankle broken again and with the ligaments and tendons pulled, I was on crutches for such a long time! I had to have friends and family come every day for about 2 weeks to tend to the dog, get me my meals, and be outside the bathroom door as I sat on a bath stool to shower (just in case I fell again). But eventually, I would prop one crutch in the corner of the kitchen and use the other to get around by grabbing the counter so I could make my own meals, load and unload the dishwasher, and get myself a drink. I can do most things myself now but the ankle is still sore and I have to wear full walking shoes with socks in the dastardly drought-like weather! Too hot to bear! So I hear you but you must my mantra goes "this too shall pass."
Bless your heart! You are doing great! And your nails are indeed lovely!
It was sorts funny Chris but I feel so bad for you. I would be going crazy.
I enjoyed your take on Five on Friday. It makes me appreciate my health. I hope your arm mends soon, the things we take for advantage in life - Thank goodness for your lovely husband. I struggle with my bra too and do it up from the front then swivel it around.
lovely nail colour. thank god for your husbands help.soon all will be right with the world again and you will be a happy camper.big hugs Lynda Ruth
Oh Chris you poor thing. It sounds as though it has been a very tough time. I do hope that you will be all mended again very soon. I am glad that you can see the humorous side of things and that you have had your lovely DH to help, he sounds like a great support. So glad you joined in, you did it perfectly!! Glad you remembered there will be no fiving in August, but back in September! Hope that you have a great weekend and a great August too! xx
I have to say I did have a laugh about the bra but as Linda said I feel for you it must be really difficult. Reading the post just makes me think that we take simple things for granted (well I know I do). Joan at
Oh dear. I really hoe the pain in you arm and hand goes away soon. I can't imagine being unable to do the basic tasks of life without a ton of discomfort. Luckily you have such a lovely DH. He is your knight in shining armour!
Glad you treat yourself to a manicure, it looks lovely. I hope you feel better soon. Such a fine man your hubby, you're very blessed:)
I do hope that you continue to heal and get better soon. I don't know what I'd do without my crochet hook or knitting needles. Your manicure looks lovely. My best to you :)
I'm sorry I laughed over the first two...I couldn't help it! I actually have been in a similar situation...broke my right thumb (our silly English Springer ran into my bicycle and dumped me off and of course I reached out for the pavement to break my fall) which isn't anywhere NEAR as bad! But, I remember well having to get my hubby to do the smallest things, like chopping the onions when I "cooked" dinner, and tying my shoes. It was awful! I hate you are going through all this. The pain must be terrible. Here's hoping you heal very quickly now! Your nails look wonderful!
Hi Chris, Poor you! I know how it feels to have to depend on one's hubbie, I have just been getting over a back/rib incident which meant I couldn't get out of bed by myself or go to the loo and all that entails... I am still limited in getting about and hubbie is having to do way too much because I am struggling to stand for any length of time. What started mine off was bumping into my mum and I came off the worse - both of us were walking in opposite directions and not realising we were about to collide! It must be hard for you not being able to knit or sew. Hope your arm heals soon. Lovely to meet you. See you again soon. Barbara xx
Poor you, I broke both the lower bones in my right arm as a child and that was diff, as an adult life would have been almost impossible. Glad you're better now.
Oh my - you do make me laugh though - especially when you said you hadn't worn a bra for along time and now your husband does it for you. LOL I can just see him wearing the bra - ohhh, you mean now he hooks it, oh ok - well it hit me as funny the first time I read it.
I do feel bad for you though - it must be so frustrating. We have a friend that lost part of one arm in an old printing press when he was a kid - was told to not mess around, but he did, and there went the arm. I always was amazed at what he did with one hand, though he had been at it for over 50 years so I suppose he had figured some things out - and he had aids to help him too - like a soap dispenser that worked with one hand - and a doodad that held his washcloth for him while he soaped it up, things like that. I often tried to do things one handed after a visit to him, but I was much to clumsy - and I could always cheat. Don't you cheat - let that arm get well - and I love the color of your nails.
Oh, dear I'm sorry you have broken your arm, that must be painful enough but the feeling of frustration at not being able to do all the small things and having to have help that must be as painful in a different way. I hope your arm gets stronger every day and that soon you will be able to do some of the gentler things yourself again:)
Sounds horrible! Any idea when you will be able to stitch again? Fingers crossed for a quick recovery from this point. Have a great weekend <3
I feel your frustration, Chris. It's accidents like yours which makes me realise how much we take for granted that we are able to do things without pain or discomfort.
That sounds so awful. Hope your hand is better soon. Those nails are great & much as I'd love nice nails not sure I'd want all that pain & hassle.
Take care
Blessings to you Chris x
Ouch! I am so sorry about your arm! It is so nice that you can find the humor in it though! =) I do hope that your injury heals nicely though. Aloha.
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