My GD is 19 this week so I thought I would make her a little quilted fan bag and put in some nail polish and manicure bits, as a little present..... with a cheque from Grandma of course!
And it has arrived...I have the coffee coloured 28c Linen to start this lovely design from Cath
'There are Fairies at the Bottom of my Garden'.
And because I have all the time in the world (erum!!) while I was looking for the above coffee coloured linen in that evil shop........these charts were calling me...A pretty little box, she said it was easier to make than it looked!And I really wanted 'Dare to Dream' which was a dream catcher like this but I was outbid, so I bought this instead and I love it.
I saw this Celtic Lady 'Angel of Light' and wanted it, although it took me an age to stitch 'Summer,' this looked so pretty..and no one else wanted it so it was a bargain!
Oh very, very Happy, Happy Days!!!
Yes, happy days! Your present for GD is lovely, I know I have one from you too!!
What a gorgeous present for GD, hope she loves it.
Lovely pressie for GD: om are going to be very busy with all those lovely charts and kits!
Gosh Chris you are going to be so busy. Love the present for your GD can't believe that she'll be 19. Glad you managed to get the fairy chart and love the dream catchers...x
You will have lots to do once the rainy weather sets in. Those beautiful sets will keep you in a good mood! However, let's hope summer stays a while longer.
Lorne is home from the hospital and healing up, but we're awaiting the results of the pathology very anxiously. Thanks for your caring. XX
wow so cute..
enjoy.big hugs x
You will be busy!! Love the pressie for your GD.
A lovely present for your GD and great stash (:
Love the Dream Catcher projects! I think I saw one of them at the store and really wanted it, too. ))
Happy stitching!
What a lovely gift for your GD
So , have you started it yet ? lol .
Lots of lovely stash to keep you busy .x
A lovely gift for your granddaughter.
Great new stash. Pretty gift for your GD.
Looks like you could do with an extra day in the week Chris, you've chosen some lovely things. Great gift for GD
Gorgeous treasures.:)
Such a wonderful gift for your GD! All your new kits and charts look great! I have paid $8 for a page from a magazine before, but I really wanted it! LOL
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