I have been having problems down loading photographs, so frustrating.. but today its worked Yipee!!
So here are some progress pics.. my 'His Name' design is coming along nicely and I hope to finish this by next week as I want to take part in the
Sampler-au-Bouquet Sal..
I have down loaded the charts and have sufficient Antique White 32C even weave and the threads.. so can't wait to get started.

My Spring Quaker by Rosewood Manor is coming along slowly too. I intend for this be my long term project so I only do one motif or part of a motif each week. So I finished last weeks big motif and did the small one next to it. I still love it.
I have completed one of my RAK pressies and it is ready to post. I don't usually complete just one when I am doing something like this, but there was a very special reason for doing this which will be revealed when it has arrived with the recipient.
My other stitching has gone into my WIPs bag and will have to stay there until 'His Name' design is finished, as I need to give it to my church before the end of April.. which seems an age away but it will have to be framed first.
We have been very busy in the house too, yesterday I part painted our front wicker fence. I say part as I was hours and it was dusk when I came in with the intention of finishing today, but the sudden showers stopped me. This was just as well as all the bending over yesterday was not good for my back!! Poor ol' me!
We have a beautiful kitchen free of clutter with shining kitchen cupboard doors with new pine knobs and the new hall stairs and landing carpet looks very good. We have strips of the cut offs to protect where we walk!!
So we will soon be ready to go up for sale; At last!
We are off to my DIL's birthday meal on Friday and I have actually made a hair appointment! All her family will be there and so I don't want to let my son down.

We seem to be busy all the time and this afternoon was my Library ReadingGroup, which was very interesting
This was the choice for March and for once we discussed this for the whole hour! Quite unusual as sometimes we go off the book. I loved it and so led the group as some of the others didn't get it finished.
A good read and worth persevering past the first two chapters as it was a
bit confusing at first!!
Happy Stitching all