I booked this show way back in June and we had fantastic seats, seven rows from the front.
It was fast and sizzling and sexy! Amazing dancing and singing.

However one thing I hadn't anticipated were the ghosts and ghouls and witches in London on Saturday night. When we were walking back down Shaftsbury Avenue at 10:30pm for the tube station at Piccadilly Circus, they were all queuing to go into night clubs! But the noise and buzz of the youngsters all added to our evening. London is at its busiest at night. We were squashed on the tube but arrived at Liverpool Station just in time for the train home. We were back in Billericay at 12:30 and dropped into bed at about 1 o'clock... but as it was the night to put the clocks back we had that extra hour in bed, well sort of because Nell didn't know that the clocks had gone back! We had a great time I loved the show and was amazed at the high leg kicks, splits and fast dance routines, I kept thinking if I could do that I 'd be thin in no time!! I had to have an afternoon nap on Sunday and after our sunday carvery meal out, I collapsed into bed and woke up two hours later still wearing my glasses! LOL
DH went walking in Mill Meadow in the rain with the dog!
Today Nov 1st, is his birthday and we have had a lovely morning here.....at Southend on Sea
It could have been the French Rivera, the sun was blazing hot, and the new palm trees along the promenade give the town a continental feel. The whole area that over looks the prom is quite beautifully kept, with wide sweeping grass areas, flower beds, all winter planted with wallflowers and pansies and well kept paved areas. And the trees all now in their Autumn colours, quite beautiful.
It was lovely to sit outside Rossi's cafe and eat ice-cream and drink coffee, real Italian ice-cream!! And look out across the bay, we saw seals and herons on the sand banks, how amazing is that to sit and watch!!
Mike was delighted!
And here are his birthday cards and pressies, the huge big basket of flowers and fruit with the balloon is from Mike's son and wife and grandson and to see Mike's face when he saw it, was delightful. He was so pleased and at the risk of sounding corny it made my heart sing to see him so happy, that they had thought of sending it. Although one thing is the balloon moves in the heat of the lounge and our wuss of a dog Nell, keeps skitting past it and barking! My pressie is the very nice watch which we bought together on saturday at Lakeside, although it might have be better if I had gone by myself as DH was like a child in a candy shop and we looked in several jewellers as he couldn't make up his mind! In the end I said I'll show you what I might have bought with out you and thats how we choose the one he has.... men??!!!

We had toasted tea buns and cups of tea when we got home in my best china tea service... and later tonight we are off to town for a meal at the ASK one of the many restaurants in Billericay.
Happy Birthday Mike xxxxxx (A kiss for each decade!)