A little bit done to my 'Cats' sampler but I have found it hard to stitch this this week, I just didn't want to, basically as it is those three cat heads in all blends of greys, light beige and white.. I haven't completed that section yet as I need day light for the white bits!

Then if I haven't got enough to do I have been stitching this Bothy thread design. It is something I bought quite a while ago on one of those spur of the moment moments, and goodness know what I'll do with it when it is completed!!

And this is what I do with the rest of my time, my gardening! This is the raised bed in the back of the garden and I have taken a photo to show the cut and come again salad leaves that Nic sent me as seeds with an exchange back in the sping. It also shows cos lettuce, beetroot, cabbage and fennel, quite a fertile little bit of the garden, covered with chicken wire against Nell who it seem likes lettuce< grrrr> and next doors cats< even more grrrrr> and the blooming pigeons, you can also see the beans which have shot up these last few days with the rain.
This year we have also grown some at the allotment too altho not too many as we can't eat them all, but bean chutney is easy to make and we have recipes which are yummy!

And here is our plot, too big really but we love it there! Its quiet and peacful altho less than a mile from the city centre.If you click on the pic, you'll see how big it is!!

And my sweet corn of which I am very proud!

And this is Nell, now 18 weeks old and can chew anything and does! But isn't she pretty and she is very lovable.

I have put green bean chutney on the side of my posts for those who have asked, its one my friend gave me and is delicious!