Have I said we're learning to speak Welsh? We started in September last year; we're really enjoying our twice a week zoom lessons, although after the 2 hours we feel exhausted, with concentrating so hard. As well as the lessons we do daily exercises with Duolingo and on Fridays we take part in a group zoom reading aloud with others. So you can see we are putting in a lot of effort and time.
I can remember a little bit from school when I was 7 years old, just odd words and numbers, so no real help, but what is a help I can pronounce the words. I can remember a lot of French!!
One of our lecturers said I do have good pronunciation! Strangely Welsh is phonetical, so we've learnt the sounds, and its a help us say the words.
We watch bits of the Welsh TV and laugh together and agree it sounds like a foreign language, especially if they speak fast.
We have favourite words, mine is ... archfarchnad, which is supermarket and what about... ysgrifennu.. which is ..to write. So some odd looking words, but we are getting used to saying them. I doubt we'll be fluent at the end of the year, but we're giving it a good try.
So I'll end with ..
Noswaith dda.
Have any of you learnt a language in later years?