Well kinda good news about my arm, I'm not sure, was it good? Although the surgeon greeted me with..'it's good news.' None of the ironmongery in my arm has moved. It is the same on the x-ray as it was on my post op visit. The surgeon was very pleased with it, but I did say I wanted a second opinion if there was to be any further surgery. He agreed although he thought it best to wait and see how it is in 6 weeks time. No physio, no lifting or moving my arm outwards away from my body yet, just gentle movements with it hanging down. I couldn't argue with that as it still gives me pain if I try to lift it, so just to carry on as I have been doing. At least I can knit and I did clean and tidy in the lounge on Monday although not the vac. It just takes me a long time one handed. We weren't as long at the hospital, as we have been in the past, but we had prepared a casserole ( no DH had and cooked it in the morning!) and so we came home to our tasty chicken chasseur... it was lovely! So roll on end of June, by that time it will be 14 months since I broke my arm!!
Thursday, 19 May 2016
Wednesday, 18 May 2016
Dreading today.
This bulb cost me £5 a few years ago. The first year I wondered why I had bought it as it only had one flower stem so looked pretty pathetic.. but this year it has five!!
It's name is Camassia alba, the more popular are blue.
A close up showing the individual flowers open; I think it's a shame that the lower flowers die off as the top buds open, so there are only a few open at one time. So did I get my moneys worth, maybe?
I am writing my blog to take my mind off my appointment with the surgeon this afternoon. I have gone through various scenarios in my mind as to what he'll say and I am determined that whatever he says, I will ask for a second opinion.
At the moment my arm is kinda ok. It only hurts a little if I move it in a certain way, but I haven't got that awful pain that I had after that second operation.
I've had a hiccup with #2 GS's socks I had forgotten how to do the Kitchener stitch at the toe, so had to watch a 'u-toob.' Whatever, knitting has made me feel more normal.
In the greenhouse, I have managed to pot on several seedlings and I have paid a 'gardener' to clear my main large flower border of the weeds and grass. I should say gardener loosely, as although he advertised himself as a gardener, he didn't even know the name of oxalis , that little pink flower that spreads everywhere! And he needed close watching, even so annoyingly my white phlox disappeared. DH, being the love he is, did go through the wheel barrow of weeds to see if he could find it, but it wasn't there!
Ah well, the main flower bed is looking a lot better.
I am dreading this afternoon's appointment, but whatever happens I will have to go through it, if I am to get my life back and an arm that works! Thank you to those of you who left such encouraging comments.
That pesky..Oxalis

Thursday, 12 May 2016
I want my life back!!
I want my normal life back, I want to garden, cook, and even do housework. I can dust but that's about it. When I try to use the vacuum, I can't guide it properly and I hate it bumping into the legs of our furniture. Although I clean the bathroom I haven't got enough strength in my left hand to clean the shower screen properly. I have an appointment with the surgeon next week, I am dreading what he will say, in the meantime ......my 'lefty' life goes on and on. I have tried knitting again, I can just about manage, so I decided to knit socks for my youngest GS who starts his GCSEs next Monday. I thought they would be nice for him to put on when he got in from school and kicks off his shoes. I always tuck 'note' in each sock, so he could buy some chocs or what ever.. he'll need the sugar to help him study.
DH is still looking after me but I oh so want to do things myself.
We are presently having our kitchen tarted up, new cupboard doors, new work surfaces and a new sink unit. It is looking very nice and nearly finished.. we are camping out in the lounge, the dining room is full of all the kitchen stuff, I had no idea we had so much stuff. It is piled on the table, sideboard, and on the floor and even on the piano! (will I ever play again?)
It will be fantastic when it is finished I will post some pics as soon as the last bit is finished. I have been feeling a bit sorry for myself lately and weepy. It's now 1 year and 4 weeks since I broke my arm!
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