So many things make me happy and I have so many blessings. Here are just five as I join with Amy on 'Five on Friday.'
Wednesday here was a very, very wet day, it was real weather for ducks!
We were in town by 9:30 as I had a nail appointment, both pedicure and manicure so wasn't finished until nearly 11. My nails looked lovely, a deep crimson colour. I love them! I was smiling and my nails flashed red as I walked along.
Then I went to the library as I had to see the librarian about the book group I run, and the books I ordered for myself were in... yeh!! My happiest times have been when I have been inside a book. I can't wait to start reading....'The Paying Guests,' by Sarah Waters, 'Stranded,' by Emily Barr (one of my favourite authors) and 'My Sister's Secret,' by Tracy Buchan. Then on our way back thro' the town I stopped at one of the charity shops as they had books for 25p, I bought three.....what bliss.. lots of reading, how could I not buy books for only 25p!!
.......and then in the shop, I saw a tote bag which was a Kate Spade New York!! It was £8.50 and brand new, never been used by the look of it, white patent with seagulls on it in navy, just the sort of bag for a sea side holiday and I looked it up on line when we got home, they sell for £165 !!!! Wow I felt I had won the lottery!

Isn't absolutely gorgeous? We wore our new macs and mine is lovely, kept me dry altho' having bought that bag I wouldn't noticed the rain as I was so happy!!

And even with my broken arm, I‘ve done some sewing. DS#1's girl friend had asked me to make some cushions, using some old curtains, two days before I broke my arm!! I did manage to sew, last week, but it was a struggle because I can't lift my right hand up unaided, but I did them and feel I did my arm good because I had to stretch it forward, which is one of my exercises. I couldn't match the stripes back and front as I had to cut out the material from the curtains that had rust marks on them, so was limited, but they look good and I inserted a zip in each one for removal for washing, so I was pleased. But I won't be sewing proper for a while, it was too hard and painful. The cushions were a great success especially the zip inserted so you can’t see it, so now her mother has asked will I make some for her, but not till after Christmas as she has bought a new static holiday home in Norfolk and wants them for that, praise indeed. Although if you sew, you'll know cushions are pretty simple to make!
