Each week when we drive to do our weekly shop we drive along a road of very big posh houses!! The one has a sign outside.. Bag of apples £2.. this is the second lot we have bought.
A carrier bag with 11pounds of bramley cooking apples and just £2 They are windfalls but have little damage. Today however there were some slugs on some ugh! But we are looking forward to a baked apple each for our pud this evening and then the rest will be made into delicious apple jelly. We have a shelf unit with all our pickles, chutneys and jams under our stairs.. and in the garage??
Well that's DH winery! This year we have had a variety of wines plus for the first time Elder Flower Champagne, which was delicious. We have kept a couple of bottles for Christmas.
All made with care and love!
Happy days indeed!