Tuesday 15 October 2024

Mary Berry's Banana Bread

Now and then we indulge in a simple cake, one with limited fat and one where you can use half sugar and this recipe is one of those.

Banana Bread

100g butter (a substitute is lower fat spread)

`175g castor sugar (you can use half sugar)

225 Self raising flour

2 eggs

2  v. ripe bananas

1 tsp baking powder

2 tbl sp milk(semi is ok)

Pre heat oven 180 or gas mark 4

Mix all ingredients till well mixed.

Spoon mixture into prepared loaf tin.

Cook for an 1 hour until banana bread is well risen and golden brown.

Test if cooked with tooth pick, if wet cook for longer.

Dench with runny icing flavoured with chocolate... or not... doesn't really need it as it is very moist.

Leave to cool before slicing and then ....



Monday 14 October 2024

Book Group Book.

 I still have nights when I wake and can't get back to sleep and last night was one of those. It was 3 am, I tried snuggling back down after a loo visit, but half an hour later I was still awake, not wide awake but not sleepy.. so after another loo visit I switched on my bedside lamp and got my book. (The light doesn't bother Dh) I thought it would give me a chance to finish our Book Group book. 

Frank 75, a retired writer and academic receives an invitation to a funeral of an old friend to take place in Milan, Italy. Being reclusive, he has no idea of what is happening in the world, and is unaware of the increasing covid epidemic that is unfolding.
In Milan he finds he can no longer ignore what is happening in the wider world, when he finds himself quarantined in his hotel by the escalating restrictions. By nature introspective and self absorbed the reader is privy to his inner most thoughts and reflections and he becomes very real. 

There is a vast contrast between Frank and the family hiding out in the attic, who by his invitation, joined him in his room. One dispossessed family, that would struggle at the best of times and a man cultured, educated, who became involved with them, as they huddled down together at the height of the epidemic, brought a realistic edge to the story. 
It was an expertly written book, well paced, an absorbing and resonant read and certainly a convincing covid novel.
It just wasn't for me, but being the Group book, I read it, perhaps you might like it?

Saturday 12 October 2024

A very white patio!

When we came home from SW yesterday morning the garden was radiant in sunshine, so we sat outside to have our cup of tea. We didn't talk just sat quietly and enjoyed the garden and quiet.. no builders banging for a change, two houses are now finished and the other is only worked on now and then. 

Dh had some posts to sort and I stayed there, in my warm jacket, because although the sun was shining it was only 10C. The patio is now sparking,  as Dh used the power washer on it yesterday and our pots back on it.

I loved sitting there, watching the birds on one of the feeders.. and the squirrel jumping from branch to branch on the trees that border the driveway of the private school, which is about 100ft from our garden. We sometimes see him tripping along our fence with a walnut in his mouth, so some one has a tree here near us? Its such fun watching him..

 Our sparking, very white patio

This was the garden when we arrived just over 3years ago.

And here are the three flower beds we 've dug and planted.

Sorry about the table with my tray of weeds! And we have the small trees and shrubs in front of the fence we had, instead of the awful hedge. Its a fair sized garden and we're very pleased we kept our big power motor mower..It takes Dh about 25mins to do back and front grass, so may be one more cut before winter with all this sun. The garden is very different from when we came here, the grass looks more like a lawn with regular cutting and weed and feeding and we've managed to get rid of most of the dandelions. 

It was very calming sitting there and then it was time for lunch, I was desperate, we had a baked potato with cheese grilled on top! A lovely morning. What was yours like?


Friday 11 October 2024

Smiling is infectious!

 If you've read my blog in the past you'll know I suffer with repeated and horrendous UTIs so when I heard about hiprex, which is a bladder antiseptic and prevents infections I asked my Drs could I have some. I was summoned to a face to face app.!! 

I saw a Dr I hadn't seen before, she was excellent, knew what I was talking about and was fully sympathetic.. and not only did she agree it was worth giving hiprex a try, as we had our flu jabs booked later this month, she said she could do them there and then to save us having to go to the Medical Centre again. So we were jabbed!

Then I found this gem of a poem by Spike Milligan and was just how I felt when I left the Drs.  

Smiling is infectious,

You catch it like the flu.

When someone smiled at me today,

I started smiling too.

I passed around the corner,

and someone saw my grin.

When he smiled I realised, 

I'd passed it on to him.

I thought about that smile,

then realised its worth.

A single smile, just like mine,

could travel round the Earth.

So if you feel a smile begin,

don't leave it undetected.

Let's start an epidemic quick,

and get the world infected!!

by Spike Milligan


Thursday 10 October 2024

A gardener's tale.

 Every morning the first thing I do is walk through the lounge to look out of the French doors to view the garden. If its not raining I step out onto the top of the steps and peer up and down. I smell the air, look at the furthest flower bed, is there a new flower, is there anything new to see, how is the shape of the little scented tree? It all brings great joy to me. I listen to the birds, and when the wind is in a certain direction, I  can hear the sea! Some mornings I see the geese flying across  from the nature reserve to Ogmore. I used to walk round in my dressing gown, but after my fall I am wary, so wait till I've dressed.. one thing falling fully dressed, but in my nightie??

We had a lovely couple of hours on Monday afternoon, the sun was shining and it felt warm. Our garden is south-west facing so good for lots of plants, but would you believe too hot for some others, which flower one year and then disappear, but I keep trying, so I plant snowdrops every year!  But it means we can grow some very nice grapes!

With all the tidying up, I also reduced the height of the crab apple tree so it will bush out. I had a beautiful one in my garden in Billericay and I made jars of crab apple jelly, to which I added  different herbs and gave away to friends.

Here's one of my end of the summer pots... ready to go for a winter sleep in the garage. A bit sad to see the end of summer.

And the cosmos all looking a bit end of summer weary.

Once these have died down  I shall fill it with even more bulbs!

And my new spring pots already planted  with daffodils, and tulips and grit to protect (I hope) against the squirrels.

 I gently pruned some of the roses, just to their 'knees' in Autumn, it will be down to their 'ankles' in spring! And the clematis too, remembering 'flower before June, don't prune!' All the sayings I learnt as a new gardener so many years ago, have helped me through the years.

Dh was going to power wash the patio, but with the rain showers we decided to just get the patio ready for the next dry fine day, not safe on a day with sudden showers,  as it is electric.
 I just love my garden, and  it was surprise,  because of covid lockdown we didn't view the property, altho my son videoed the bungalow for us, I was a bit concerned about the garden, would it be too small? Truth be told it's a bit too big, but we haven't made it labour intensive so we're coping!
Do you love your garden?

Tuesday 8 October 2024

How Clever


Seen on the beach yesterday


Monday 7 October 2024


 This wasn't my proposed blog post for today but I feel I should give praise to Weaver whose blog has been so interesting and informative of her life, as a wife to the farmer plus her first husband.

She announced earlier this year that she had been diagnosed with bowel cancer and stopped blogging in July. 

She has given me and many more hours of enjoyment reading her writings..

October 6th she died.. Rest in Peace Weaver of Grass.


Sunday 6 October 2024

90th Birthday.

 Yesterday we went to a 90th birthday party, it was my mother's cousin, although she refers to me as her cousin. Often on the phone, when she's asked me about something from the past, and I have said I don't think I remember that, she has said...'Don't be silly of course you do!' So I keep quiet!

She gave a little speech about her life, but forgot that myself and my cousin were her bridesmaids, until I reminded her, we all laughed..

Her brother age 92 was there. I went to talk to him, asking him did he not recognise me, he didn't, but I carried on talking to him and reminded him I had quite a 'pash' for him when I was 18. He wrote to me long letters, when I was a student nurse. He was one of those over studious, quiet, shy, young men, but did go on and get married and had four girls..And I just moved on as  you do when you're 18 and young!

There were about 50 people there including my cousins, (one the other bridesmaid) I don't have much contact with her, she lives in the midlands. And her brother, they were both full of the holidays they'd had this summer, all very nice, but to me it was like they were chasing dreams. I'm past that stage of my life, all that airport hustle and bustle, not for me any more. They asked could I speak Welsh yet and I was able to reply.. 'Ydw, dw i'n dysgu siarad Cymraeg,' (yes I am learning to speak Welsh)

The food was lush, pulled pork in a bap, roast potatoes, mixed green salad leaves, coleslaw and apple sauce. I loved it as we never eat foods like that these days, as we're always trying to lose weight (I lost 2 pounds this week) We just had a little bit of it all.

And there was a very delicious birthday cake, all very nice.

We drove home the long way via our front promenade, which was crowded, but just by chance there was a parking space by Booths, the pavement kiosk with the fab Welsh ice cream, so we stopped for one,  it was delish..So a nice day but I was glad to get home for a decaff tea! Can't beat a good cuppa.

Have you older relatives?


Saturday 5 October 2024

Matt Boxall's 100 cal soup.

This is written from his video, an interesting way to write a recipe in a different way!


As the chill of winter approaches, its time to welcome the comfortable embrace of the soup season!

There's an undeniable joy of savouring a steaming bowl of home made soup and for those looking to slim down for the summer ahead, there's no need to sacrifice flavour for fitness. 

Tik tok sensation Matt Boxall famed for his diet friendly culinary creations has unveiled a scrumptious 'weight loss soup' that packs a mere 100cals per serving, proving that a delectable taste and dieting can indeed go hand in hand.

Matt enthused, 'If you want to loose weight, this is the soup for you,' as he detailed the simple but nutritious components of his recipe.
To whip up this concoction gather a diced carrot, 80g each of sweet potato, tomatoes, half an onion, a duo of garlic cloves, and a dash each of salt, pepper and fiery chili flakes.

Roast these vibrant vegetables in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for a snug 20 minutes. Following their oven adventure, pop them into a blender, introducing a splash of coconut milk and 300g of vegetable stock to the mix.

Heat the soup and its ready to eat.... enjoy!

Such a fun way to write a recipe!


Friday 4 October 2024

Getting things ready......

It's been a glorious few days here, beautiful sunshiny days.. we were taking our time yesterday  morning drinking coffee, talking and deciding what to do in the garden,  when Dh said isn't it your hair day... whoops I hadn't realised it was Thursday! You might think that odd but we were a day behind, because didn't do our trip to Tesco for yogurts and fruit on Monday, but on Tuesday, so hence the mix up..but we managed  to get my hairdressers in time.

It was so nice in the afternoon, we worked in the garden. I was able to sort out my spring bulb pots, a bit of fresh top soil, and new grit, so ready for spring.. Dh cut the grass, if we have a couple of dry days he's going to weed and feed it, doing that last year did improve it. I also potted up my pelargoniums that came from the front pot and the dahlias, they will all go in the garage to over winter them. Our garden is ready for winter, although I still want to move my 'Susan' rose which didn't do so well this summer.(Susan.... because its part of the name and I can't remember it) I am planting my new tulip bulbs when it gets a bit colder. I was very brave and walked around with my walking stick being extra careful where I fell in July. I'm still a bit nervous, but I can't not look around all the flower beds, they give me such joy and being nervous makes me more careful!

And we have the ingredient's to make these.. yes its coming!

Have you got your garden tidy for winter yet and have you made your puddings or do you buy them?
