Sunday 28 January 2024

What a book!


This book was recommended to me as being like 'Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine.' It is in same ways, in that both females have strange ways. However, I think this book should come with a warning, as it has some very dark themes, creepy even.
The first few sentences had me hooked.
'Sally Diamond couldn't understand what she had done wrong, she was only doing what her father had said to do, which was to put him out with the rubbish, when he died.'

I did enjoy it, however it was an emotional roller coaster. I cried,  I was shocked, I was angry, I was amazed at the writing. It was very good. I would say though. its not a book for everyone, some might find it offensive, but it was handled very well by the author. 
That opening sentence doesn't really give us a clue as to how dark the story gets, or with the horrific story of how she gets to be how she is.
There are people who come into her life to help her adjust to a more normal life after her father's death, however there is a separate thread about the brother she didn't know existed. 
The ending was in my view, inconclusive and leaves you thinking nothing much had changed for her and that she has helped perpetuate the evil that lead her to being as she is.  But you must read it for yourself and make up your own mind!


Angela said...

I enjoyed EO, my daughter lent it to me. I haven't heard of this one. (but I'll ask her if she has) it sounds a little dark/sad though...

diane b said...

You've got me interested.

Elizabethd said...

I read Elinor, but I dont feel that I would benefit from reading this one.

jabblog said...

That sounds interesting. I'll wait for lighter days before reading it, though.

Polly said...

I love Eleanor Oliphant, and this sounds good.

Chris said...

Must add it to my list. My Book Club book this month is Eleanor Oliphant so I will tell them about Sally Diamond.