Sunday 14 January 2024

Our Day Off!

 Just an ordinary Saturday, sunny and dry but frrrrreeeeezing cold. It was a wooly scarf day, with my new woolen gloves., which I love, they are so pretty, what do you think? I didn't knit them, I bought them from Etsy.

My reserved books at the library were ready to collect, two recommended by someone in my slimming group. I don't usually read Nora Roberts books, but I have read one other and it was really quite good. She seems to have changed her subject matter so not the lovey dovey stuff she used  to write. (But still might)

Liz Nugent is a new to me author, recommended again. I hope I like it as she has written five crime books in total, so I could read them all. 

Then we walked to the main street in the town, up the road I call the 'obstacle' track as the pavement is so very uneven and broken in places.
We always have a coffee in town. I didn't even glance at the raspberry almond slices, that are my favourite. I wasn't denying myself, but being positively affirming, because I was protecting my weight loss!

So a lovely morning, we drove to the front prom, to watch the sea for a while, its so relaxing.

And then came home, so a nice Saturday morning, the walk was sort of  brisk for me and the coffee good. 
We had a meander around our garden, checking the bulbs, I think we'll have daffs next week; the garlic is looking good, about 8 inches growth. Dh is very proud of it! 
Both the bird feeders were full, the one is favoured by sparrows, and the other nearer the house is always full of tits, Long tail, Blue, Great and Coal tits.. I love watching them from the lounge window. 

Dh cooked Chicken Kiev, SW style which we had with a baked potato and a large green salad. for our evening meal. And then my Saturday treat a full cream yogurt with a prunes, it's absolutely delish!

Later on I actually picked up my sock knitting, with a Netflix film.

Even though we're retired, we still treat Saturday as a day off!
How was your Saturday, was it your day off?


Joy said...

I absolutely LOVE those gloves - they're lovely!

Have you tried the Marion Todd books - she writes the DI Claire McKay books and I really enjoy them.

DawnTreader said...

Very cheerful gloves! I think I've read a few Nora Roberts in the past, but too long ago to actually remember my impression of them. Thanks for visiting my blog.

Sooze said...

What lovely colours those gloves are, just the sort of thing I'd choose for myself.

jabblog said...

I love the gloves - so pretty.We always welcome the weekend as if we're still working. We don't do anything to mark it but it is different because our grandson doesn't come in in the mornings. He comes to our house every school morning as his school is just 5 minutes away. That will change when he goes to secondary school in September.

Elizabethd said...

Your gloves are so pretty. I like shopping on Etsy as I feel I am supporting the 'small' sellers.

Bless said...

Lovely gloves! Sounds like you had a great day! I like the idea of thinking of Saturday as a day off!