Wednesday 3 January 2024

Good Choices!!

I've been out walking, I didn't really want to, but I did!

It was breezy and certainly woke me up but once I got going it was ok, but I really wanted to stay home in the warm and read, because the books I'd bought from WOBs had arrived.  We did sit in the car after and have a coffee from 'the Pod' and a Lotus Biscotti biscuit, which was crisp, tasty and delicious.. (we have had their Shortbread in the past) But being positive I wasn't denying myself anything, but being kind to myself with a 40 cal biscuit instead of a 120 cal one! That was a very good choice, I said!
And for our evening meal, we've had baked salmon and stir fry veg with courgetti rather than noodles. Dh is a dab hand at stir fry veg, flavoured with Chinese Rice Wine and light Soya Sauce, absolutely delicious and we were being very good to ourselves!

And tonight my 'in bed read' will be one of my new books.  I think I'll read this one first....

Can't wait to start it!
I'm sure it will be a good choice!

Have you been good to yourself today?



Chris said...

I'm afraid I have been very lazy today, unlike yourself. I did walk down to the local drug store but it's not very far so really doesn't count as exercise. I had a fairly substantial lunch (soup and an egg salad croissant, naughty!) and will have chicken thighs but no carbs, just some veg. for dinner. I just checked my step counter and I only did 3,500 steps so far today. Better get cracking!

Marie Smith said...

We had a great day with our family. Love those days before school starts again! I made good choices at the restaurant today. It wasn’t always the case over Christmas.

jabblog said...

We had a Pilates session today which made us laugh and will hopefully do us some good.

Poppypatchwork said...

This time of year is always hard to get out, cold wet days are not nice.

Back2OurSmallCorner said...

I hope you enjoy your new books. I have used Wob myself and think they are brilliant. I should have my latest books arrive tomorrow- a few classics.

Julia said...

I love the picture of the water! Good for you getting out and walking today even if it was cold and breezy. I did the same and it was cold and windy here, but sunny, and I felt so good after my invigorating walk! Your dinner sounds delicious. I love salmon and eat it very often. Hope you have a great evening.

Bless said...

You were very good to yourself, today, and that sounds like a delicious dinner. I did a very short walk (just 10 minutes), but, it was more than what I did all last week!