Monday 8 January 2024

89 Years OLD, (edited)

 It's 89 years today, when Elvis was born and he died July 1977. Since his death there have been many Elvis Festivals.. here in my home town of Porthcawl there is a big one every September

The town is full of Elvis lookalikes and the women are dressed as 1950s girls.

And as a 1950's girl I can vouch that their dresses with the net petticoats are just like ones I wore!

We went into town on the Saturday and there were Elvis singers all the way through the main street all singing their best. There was even a little tot about 4 singing with her dad, wish we had a video of her, because she was jolly good, singing the ahaas. We stood for ages watching.
They all compete in the Grand Pavilion in the evening and the best one is given a Trophy. 
It's a tremendous boost to the town's economy as its reckoned there are over 40,000 people visiting and some, who have never been here before come back for a holiday.
Quite a feat for our small town!
Do you remember Elvis? (Edited)



Marie Smith said...

Fun times! The clothes, the music! One person influenced a generation!

jabblog said...

What fun! There's so much leeway for the impersonators, from the young, slim Elvis to the older, bloated version. There are some very good impersonators, with good voices. It must be a really good boost for the town.

Sooze said...

Lovely header picture, very atmospheric. Elvis was a bit before my time, so I was never really a huge fan of his, although I do like some of his earlier ballad-type songs.

Back2OurSmallCorner said...

I don't remember much about Elvis as a child but his legacy has stretched far and wide. I'm glad that your town enjoys celebrating him in the way it does.

Bless said...

What fun for your town to host an Elvis festival! I was a big fan of Elvis (still love his singing).

Polyester Princess said...

Thank you for your comment on my post, Chris!
What a fun post, and what a lovely town you live in! I've been to Wales many a time, but I never visited Porthcawl ...
My husband was a big Elvis fan back in the day when he first started out. He's got all of his original records from the 1950s and early 1960s. xxx