Friday 5 January 2024

Building work, but not us!

(Stock picture)
 When we moved into this bungalow, in this little cul de sac, we never imagined how much building work would be going on around us. 

But next door to the right of us and next door to him, both have worked on their properties ever since we moved here June 2021.. and the other side of us, next door but one, was sold and bought when we bought, but no one has  moved in there yet! 

One bungalow has become a house, and its a lovely shape now, with a roof sweeping down one side. And it seems that's been worked on since the first lock down 2018! 

The house that no one has moved into has been updated and enlarged, they're still doing it! The skips are handy as we have added some left over cement and bricks from our refurbed kitchen. The owner said we could, Dh would never had dumped stuff 'willy nilly.'

It may not seem much, but we have had lorries blocking the road when we wanted to go out.. that happened this morning when we wanted to leave at 9:00am to go to our SW meeting. When Dh told them we wanted to leave at 9:00. they said they'd be another 10 mins and indeed they were moving off, just before we wanted to leave. 

I wondered, if we had received the Christmas mince pies and bottle of wine from next door to make up for the inconvenience of his building vans for ever blocking our drive! 

Anyway we speak to all three owners, who are all very pleasant, but it will be nice when they have finished.. in the summer we could hear the builder's radios before we were really awake! Hope they all will be happy with their new enlarged homes!

What do you think?



Chris said...

Interesting. We have "monster" homes springing up all across town (none on my street so far) and some of them are monstrosities! They take up the whole lot and look entirely out of place. Hope yours aren't like that,

jabblog said...

Extending houses is a local pastime and our roads are frequently filled with builders' and suppliers' vans for months on end. Another thing that happens is that houses that have been sold are demolished and substitutes built in their stead. Some are quite hideous. The planning rules and regulations in our area seem to be very fluid.

Poppypatchwork said...

Our street is full of bungalows and so many have been extended, including ours, a house a few doors down is having their front garden sorted, loads of vehicles about, should not last for long.

Marie Smith said...

That sounds like a lot of construction in your neighbourhood, an area new to everyone.

Granny Marigold said...

Have you finished The Pull of the Moon? I wonder how you rated it. I gave it an 8 1/2.
I wonder maybe the wine and mince pies were probably meant to make up for any inconveniences. That was nice though.

Bless said...

My neighbors are also building and renovating their homes. Quite a lot of construction noises, but, so far, not too many blocked driveways.