Monday 22 January 2024

A Noise, Tea and Toast and Hormones!

 I have a friend who lives in a flat, who says when her bed is freshly made, sometimes when she goes past her bedroom, she feels like a lie down!

I could do that today! I've had three nights of broken sleep! Thursday night we were both up. I was just about to switch off my bedside light about 11:20 when there was a thump. Dh sat up, and we both looked at each other.. what was that?

Dh looked out of the kitchen window, which over looks the front garden and was flood lit; we leave our outside lights on all night. Then he's out through the front door, and with our huge torch, dressing gown flapping and wearing shoes, he decides to walk round the bungalow!! ..In spite of me saying there couldn't be anyone round the back as our metal side gates can't be touched without making a clanking sound.

He then goes out the back via the French doors, waving the torch around, which it like a light house beacon. Nothing to be seen, but by this time we're both wide awake.. so it was tea and toast. 

As we sat in the lounge, we were laughing remembering our neighbours in Suffolk, whose husband complained that our outside front door light was keeping him awake at night. How?? Our front door was tucked around the side of our bay window.. but they complained about anything! And we were right away from them with our drive way between us and their house, which was set back from ours. But Dh being the lovely man he is, he went out the next day and bought  some downward facing lights. I said to tell her husband to close his eyes!

After the tea and toast, and before we went back to bed, we had a look in the end bedroom and had a laugh, when we saw the cordless vac had slid down onto the floor. It was ages before I was able to go back to sleep.. Dh stayed up till early morning. We both slept till gone 9:30 so missed the SW meeting.

And the last two nights I've woken to visit the loo and then was awake for hours! Its so tiring and being awake for hours steals my days. I have bought a new pillow, firm and memory foam for side sleepers. And it's comfortable, but I was still awake. My Dr said its post-menopausal hormones or rather lack of them! So ladies we can't win, at any stage of our lives our hormones get us! I do have hormone treatment, but obviously they are having the rest I want at this moment in time!

Do you suffer from insomnia?


The bedroom picture is not our present bedroom,  but the one we had in Suffolk, Why not our present bed? Guess? Yes... you're right, the bed's not made! (Written Sunday)


jabblog said...

It's so irritating when sleep is disturbed, tossing and turning, looking for a cool spot on the pillow. I find it goes in phases and at the moment I'm in a 'sleep' phase - I've probably jinxed it now!

Angela said...

I didn't sleep much last night, due to the very high winds. So only just waking up properly now, an hour later than usual (the joy of retirement) A quick check through the windows reveals all seems undamaged in The Close.
If I find myself awake at night, I try to make use of the time by praying for people in need (esp others who may be awake, like mums with crying babies, and people in hospital) or I plan craft projects in my head.
Last night I got up and made myself a cup of tea - Bob didn't want one. I brought it back to bed. It was too hot to drink immediately. Ive just woken to find a cold cup of tea on the bedside table!

Sue said...

No, I have never suffered from insomnia. I am asleep the minute my head touches the pillow and straight back to sleep after any middle of the night bathroom visits. I do have wild and wacky story like dreams though, so it appears my brain is busy most of the time even if my body is comatose.

Ann said...

I can't remember the last time I slept all the way through the night. It always seems like the earlier I have to get up in the morning, the more likely I am to wake and not be able to get back to sleep.

Back2OurSmallCorner said...

I'm finding that I wake several times most nights these days but as I am at home, if I really need to top up with a few extra mins daytime snoozes, I can.
I have had similar experiences with items that fall over in the night. Don't they seem so much louder at night as well!!

Anonymous said...

Insomnia - sometimes I think I should write a book on it! My OH is the main sufferer but of course that impacts on me. At the moment he's taking nytol every night and we have just replaced (again) our mattress . And yes, even though I'm in my early sixties I still get 'hormonal' sleep disturbances occasionally.........ah well the joys of ageing!
Alison in Wales x

Marie Smith said...

Insomnia is the bane of my existence. I have naps though. I am lucky to be retired!

Sal said...

I’m exceedingly lucky re sleep and I always sleep right through, usually getting 7-8 hours a night. I really feel for people who do suffer from insomnia. I do find that getting into a coolish bed suits me as well as having a window open…if I forget to open the window, the chances are that I’ll wake up with a headache!

Bless said...

I'm a night owl - if I go to bed at 2:30 a.m., that's early! Often, I'm up till 5:30 a.m. and then, sleep until about 10:00 a.m. As I am retired, I can do that! I just make sure all my appointments are scheduled for the early afternoon! :D